The group receives a newsletter that is old. The same newsletter was sent to all people. It was news that never got released before.

Eric reading: There have been numerous cases of Users....Heroes...going missing...... The only known connection between the cases are....

Eric reads more intently and silently before going pale and walking back he starts to tear up.

Eric: No.........

DDDeekin: The only known connection is that each person bought something from the previous game-errrrrr..... previous worlds..... Then it gives a list of names and times of death.

Eric: His name.....John Co0n3r.....It's on this list..... July....12..... That was the day we fought FarCry... The last time I ever got to see him..... That was so long ago....This article was released.... three days after that..... I haven't heard from John since then... I thought..... I thought.....

Eric curls up into a ball and cries.

Ishi: This is horrible..... Why did this now show up?!

Shawn: I don't know..... It could be a leak.... It could be could be that someone stopped this from getting out..... Why would they do this? I have no idea....

Ishi: Eric... I'm sorry....

Eric does not respond, nothing the group does gets him to respond so they decide to give him personal space and time to think.

Eric: He.....he childhood savior.... I was only able to be an adventurer because of him.....

Suddenly Eric feels his thoughts of John slipping.

Eric: No.... John.......

As much as he tries to cling to his memories, he is failing to grab them. Eric no longer remembers his face.

Eric: What....did he look like.....I can't remember...

Then he can't remember his name.

Eric: There were some "0"s...and some "o"s in his name and.... and......GHA!

He feels like someone important in his life was erased from his memories. Yet he still feels like he should know who this person is. Eric knows he was grieving over the loss of this person yet he can't find the tears anymore over somebody he used to know or at least used to remember.

Eric: burr..... I'm soaking wet....

Eric hurries inside and everyone welcomes him back

Coal: Are you ok?

Eric: I'm ok. I'm just soaked.... Can't remember why I was so upset.

Ishi: I'm so sorry about John..... You can talk to me about anything..... I promise I'll help you with anything-

Eric kisses Ishi, catching her way off guard not expecting this sudden change from grief.

Eric: Anything?~

Ishi: Um.....Y-y-yeah. to help you get over john's.....

Eric: Who is John?

Ishi: Huh.... but isn't he.. your idol?

Eric: Didn't the church say something about having no idols? Anyway nothing means more to me then you Ishi~

Ruby: Eric.....Same for me.

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