29 | aye, aye, captain

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WITH a textbook open on her lap, Aphrodite leaned back on the headboard. She groaned as she doodled a star beside a topic that she didn't understand. The notes that Jonah had given her were as good as nothing. His handwriting was clumsier than her own which made it difficult to read. She had been sitting beside him for all their lectures. It was just to make sure that she doesn't have to make eye contact or talk to Lex. She was avoiding him and perhaps he was too. The only time they sat together was for lunch but it was easy to avoid him there too. All Aphrodite had to do was talk to Karan because boy, he never shuts up.

She had pushed the whirlpool of her emotions in the deep dungeons of her mind. Ever so often when they broke off, she would distract herself. She didn't want to deal with him--or Yumi.

Yumi hadn't spoken a word about that night either. It wasn't easy for Aphrodite to pretend everything was okay. Waking up everyday with a smile on her face and Yumi doing the same is what bothered Aphrodite the most. She wanted to give her the benefit of doubt but Yumi was nervous, avoided Aphrodite's direct gaze and didn't stay close to her which pointed to one thing--Yumi knew. History was repeating itself and Aphrodite didn't have the strength to go through it again. It was the best for both of them to simply forget. But it was hard. Very, very hard.

Her train of thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Assuming that Yumi had come back from the library, Aphrodite didn't look up and asked her to come in. The door slowly creaked open but her eyes remained on her textbook. The person standing on the threshold cleared their throat. She looked to find the boy she had been giving cold shoulder standing at her doorstep. Alone.

Oh, boy. This is bad.

She hopped out of her bed and stood on her wobbly feet. She momentarily lost balance. Lex quickly stepped forward and laced his long fingers around her wrist. She swallowed and smiled hesitantly to him after muttering an inaudible thank you. He nodded, his eyes betrayed no emotion. Whenever they had the tiniest flicker of touch, Lex's eyes would glimmer. He would wet his lips or stifle a smile but today, his eyes were cold and dark--as if she had no influence on him. He stepped away from her, his face still expressionless.

She did hurt him but alas, she can't hear my opinions and trust me, I have a lot of those.

"I...um, hey!" A sound left from her throat--a mixture of croak and squeal. She feigned a cough. "What are you doing here? Is everything all right? I mean--" She widened her eyes and raised her hands in surrender. "--I mean, not that I don't want you here. It's just that I wasn't expecting you right now. I've been so busy. I haven't gotten time to relax at all. Even Yumi--" She paused abruptly, realizing what she was about to say.

Lex likely noticed her absurd behaviour but didn't remark on it. "I am just here to tell you and Yumi that my sister is getting married this weekend and my mom wants my friends there. Could you maybe inform Yumi? I'll be leaving tomorrow morning. West will drive you three the day after."

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