24 | cloudy memories

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A LOUD BUZZING echoed somewhere near Yumi's ears. She grabbed a pillow and buried herself underneath it. She heard several 'sorry' and 'it won't happen again' coming from the other side of the room. She pressed her eyes shut--ignoring her dry throat and exploding head.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Her mind began to cloud with events of last night. From going to the bar to watching the bartender flirt with Aphrodite--she only had flashes of the night but there was still one memory that was excruciatingly persistent and very raw. Yumi kissed her. She had kissed the only person she managed to be friends with who had no toxic behaviour.

You ruined it. You ruin everything around you. Yumi blamed herself. She swallowed the groan down her rough throat.

When she felt Aphrodite's lips, something got into her. All the feelings flooded back in and she couldn't stop herself. But her heart stopped when Aphrodite pushed herself away. Yet, she wanted to kiss her again. Yumi stormed towards the bar stand and chugged down an entire bottle of whatever alcohol she could find. She was losing her mind and didn't pay attention to what she was doing. Everything was loud. Everything was happening too fast. She traced Aphrodite footsteps upstairs.

Aphrodite pulled herself away from Yumi after their second kiss. But Yumi had pulled her again. The taste of Aphrodite's skin was still warm against her lip. That's all she remembered. She doesn't know what happened after that--how they got back into the academy or how she ended up on her bed under her soft blankets.

All she knew was that Aphrodite was either going to be hers or Yumi was going to lose her forever.

Drum. Drum. Drum.

Yumi wasn't ready to face Aphrodite or the day yet, so she pretended to be asleep. Her roommate was shuffling through her closet and whispering things to herself when the door of their room opened.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi." Him. It's him. "Just wanted to check up on you...both," Lex mumbled. "Did you take the medicines I put on the desk for you?"

"Yeah, yes. I did." Yumi felt Aphrodite smile. "And I...I am sorry. I don't remember much about last night."

"It's okay," he said quietly.

They've had their moments when Aphrodite wasn't with Yumi. They've shared conversations that Yumi doesn't know of. Although only one of them remembers, they've met before Aphrodite even knew Yumi existed. There's something between them that Yumi couldn't touch.

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