RiseTurtles x Platonic GNReader: Ready or Rock?

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The three remaining turtles stared at him with fear, "You have a cloning machine? Isn't that, like, unethical?" Leo prodded. Donnie shook his head, his posture straightened, knees no longer bent in a crab-like crouch.

"Cloning machine? I never said I had a cloning machine, and I'd like to state for the record that I have not and will not clone you or any of our friends. I-I don't even have any of your DNA, but, uh, don't go looking in my lab, especially behind the purple curtain." he hurried out, frantic, sweat beading down his forehead.

Ignoring that completely, Raph clicked his fingers when he had his lightbulb moment, "That's it, I got it!" he keened, the others crowding around him, "We make our own concert, sure it won't be as good as whatever band was playin' but it's still a concert with friends!"

"You know, you might be onto something, Raph." Donnie agreed, nodding his head while a finger rubbed his chin in deep thought. Leo stepped forward, sceptical, "But how are we meant to play in a concert with...this whole situation." he motioned to his whole body.

"Ooh, we can go in disguise! Fancy costumes, sequences-" Mikey squealed, "Ah yes, the perfect opportunity to try my silk suit." Donnie beamed, ignoring the snickers coming from his brothers, "What? I'm not ashamed of it, I like the way it feels."

"Okay, so we're in agreement, high three everyone!" Raph cheered, slapping his hand into the middle of the group, the others following suit until there was a small pile. On the count of three, they threw their hands into the air, cheers erupting from them, "HOT SOUP!"


The boys had settled on the local park to host their nightly activities, in the dead of night building their small stage to entertain. Mikey continued to bash the hammer head against the nail, not noticing the way the nail bent out of place, wiping a hand against his sweaty head he sighed, "Ugh, this is taking too long."

Raph poked his head up from the piles of wood he was stuck under, strips of ducktape covering parts of his body, "Maybe we should do a construction montage to pass the time?" he proposed, wincing when Leo peeled a bit of tape off of his arm.

"Eh, it couldn't hurt."

*One building montage later*

"Well that was easy," Donnie stated, his jetpack reverting back into his battleshell as he gracefully landed on the grass, "Phew," Raph sweated, the hammer in his hand dull, "We sure did accomplish a lot during that montage."

"And when those frog guys came by too, ugh, I'm so glad we didn't miss it." Leo praised, Mikey hummed in agreement, "It was the greatest moment of my life." he wiped an incoming tear from his eye. Leo stood with his hands on his hips, admiring the stage in all its beauty, "We should do more stuff in montages."

"Agreed," the brothers chorused.

"Okay guys, now all we need to do is call (Y/N) down here and give 'em the show of their life!" Raph cheered, jumping in the air with a raised fist, "Wait, so we're not doing a dress rehearsal, sigh, this is so amateur." Donnie huffed out, arms folded over his chest in mock annoyance.


You scrunched your face further into your pillow as your phone continued to violently vibrate on the bedside table, its bright pale light still coating most of your room even when it was face-down. You continued to toss and turn in bed, just begging to be knocked unconscious instead of answering the damn thing; besides, who calls people at this sorta time.

On the final ring you had felt like you had lost your mind, whipping up into a sitting position and using your claw stretched hand to grab the device. You squinted your eyes at the bright screen, feeling them burn with its intensity. What you thought were calls were actually text messages and a lot of them at that, all from the same turtle.

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