little beans + hard news = impossible

Comincia dall'inizio

" You'll be alright, Mummy. You'll be alright, little ones. Get ready to meet your Daddies and Mummy. It won't be long now," she said. 

" Okay, Y/N, ready?" 

I looked up, seeing my Doctors and Dahyun-unnie getting ready. They have covered my lower half so that I didn't see and so I didn't panic with the amount of blood. I nodded. They've already applied the needed medicine so I won't be feeling a thing. 

They got to work and I felt like I was in a dream. I looked around, feeling drowsy and seeing my soulmates all smile at me. Koo, Tae and Jinnie were allowed to come closer to me as they were the biological fathers, and so, they ended up stroking my hair gently. 

" They're going to be here soon," Koo says. 

" Do you want to know the genders?" Koo asked me. I shook my head. My soulmates have found out the genders of our babies, but I wanted it to be surprise for me. 

" Aniyo. I want to be blown away," I said. My soulmates chuckled. 

" Alright, baby."

I nodded gently. A few minutes later, the room was blessed with the sound of our baby crying. Our first baby. 

I saw figures running past me to grab our baby, making sure that our first born was alright. They bought him over to me, saying that our babies needed to have skin to skin contact with their mother. My heart melted as I see the little one, crying his little lungs out. It was obvious who his father is; his little bunny smile once he was placed on my skin and the mole on the exact same spot as his father made him an identical figure. 

More minutes passed and our Doctors got our second little one out. Koo's little baby boy had grown quiet on my skin, and my soulmate, our bunny man Koo, was crying and laughing at the same time, sniffling as he said under his breath, " We're fathers, hyungs. Fathers." 

Our second little one came to me in the arms of Dahyun-unnie. Another baby boy and once again, it was obvious who his biological father is. Broad shoulders for a baby and a delicate nose, Jinnie's smile couldn't be more brighter once he saw our babies, and he allowed a few tears to run down his face, smiling gently. 

More minutes and lucky last, our last little one came, once again in the arms of Dahyun-unnie. It felt surreal as I huddled my three little boys, Tae's son having a soft boxy smile once he felt his cheek on my skin. I sighed in relief as I see our boys safe and sound on me, shuffling gently as they slept. 

An hour passed and our Doctors and Dahyun-unnie stitched me right back up. My soulmates, all in they hospital gowns, now gathered around me, cooing at our little ones gently as they stirred, but they didn't wake up. 

Vision blurring, breathing getting uneven, I forced myself to stay awake, but a pull somewhere didn't let me stay awake. I gasped in pain as I felt my heart clench, my heart monitor going crazy. Immediately, our babies started crying as they were gently grabbed from me and Doctor Song and her husband went towards me. Dahyun-unnie rushed my soulmates out, who cried out my name and sudden pain overflowed the bond. 

" Her heart's slowing down!" 

" She's lost too much blood!" 

" Check her airway, make sure a blood clot hasn't formed in her lung!"

An oxygen mask was placed on me, but it didn't help me with my breathing. The pull was growing stronger, and I could swear I heard Eomma and Appa calling my name out. 

" She's drifting!" 

" Get the defibrillator ready!" 

" Eomma, look! A four leafed clover!" I said, running towards Eomma. She gave me a smile. 

Us { A BTS FF AU } ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora