talks pt 2 & chim (R 18+ at the halfway breaker)

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" I'll see you later then, oppa."

" Alright, Boo. Drive safe, okay?" 

I nodded, giving him a soft peck on the cheek as I stepped back at the top of his steps on his front door. He gives me a small smile. 

" I'll se you later, oppa. Saranghae," I said over my shoulder as I walked to my car. 

" Saranghae, Boo!" I heard him say. I smiled gently as I hopped into my car, starting up the engine and buckling in. I looked at Joonwoo-oppa, waving at me from his doorstep. I waved back at him as I drove down the street and to the highway, driving to the destination that I needed to be at. 

Driving through the drive-thru for Subway, I ordered the food that I knew the others wanted and finally made my way home. I felt myself getting nervous and fidgety at the prospect of talking to my soulmates about the fact that I wanted to talk to Mia this upcoming Saturday. 

I didn't realise that I was already in the driveway of our house when I looked up. Sighing, I killed the engine of the car, sitting in the pure silence and collecting my thoughts. I looked out up to nearing night sky, and seeing how the colours mixed so well in the sky. 

I wondered if that's how love is. Different personalities from different individuals mixing into one. Was it like that? I think so. It was certainly like that with my soulmates and I. Our personalities were all so different and yet, that's how we have learnt to love each other. Together, we were a bundle of craziness that seemed to be so calm with each other, but to other people, they would tire just by looking at us. Together, we bundled each other with a blanket of protectiveness.

Reaching down and grabbing my phone, I looked through my photos, smiling as I see the revolution of me. When I was only a baby, when I was a toddler, when I was in the arms of Lisa and her family, the first day of high school, the first day of nursing-in-training, the first day of being in the ward. And finally, the first day after I met my soulmates, the day of the first dinner together. I smiled down at our smiling faces, looking so hopeful and unaware of the future that we were going to go through together. 

Locking my phone, I placed it back into my pocket and grabbed the food, hopping out of the car and locking the doors, walking over to the front door of our home and opening the door. I heard lively chatter from the living room and I immediately felt the rush of home as I started taking off my shoes. 

" I'm home," I quietly hollered and I heard seven pairs of feet thundering against the hallway. I looked up, feeling myself ease some more as I lock eyes to each and one of them, seeing their smiles and hungry eyes as they eyed the bundle of food in my arms. Hoba-oppa was the first to reach me, gently grabbing the food from my arms.

" Hi, sunshine," he whispers as he pecks my lips and walks over to the side to allow our other soulmates to kiss me 'hello' as well. I pecked lips with each and one of them, smiling at them as I was wrapped around in the arms of Chim. He looks down at me with his crescent-moon shaped eyes as he smiles down at me. 

Leading me over to our living room, I snuggled against the warmth of Chim, feeling the others come over and bundle around us as well. I smiled down at them, reaching over to the nearest one to, which happened to be Yoonie, and tangled my hands through his hair. Accepting the wrap that Jinnie handed me, we all started to eat as we made small chatter around the room, asking each other what happened with each other's day. I found out that Taetae was going to be going soon to a set at Busan for a few weeks. He said that he was going to be asking his manager if we can all go and he was positive that there was a high chance that we can go with him. 

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