lost and found

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I ducked my head as Jennie-unnie, Jisoo-unnie, Soobin-oppa and Kai-oppa looked down at me sternly. They were displeased when they saw me walk through the ward doors this morning, but fortunately, I had escaped them when Jung-hoon and Jae rang the bell, which meant that they needed me. After taking care of my two rascals, I was able to do my work, going into my new patients' room and taking care of them as well. 

However, when I came back for lunch, Jennie-unnie came and led me to a chair, forcefully sitting me down. Less than a minute later, the rest of the workers today came over and glared down at me. So, here I am. 

" Y/N, what in the world are you doing here?" Jisoo-unnie asked. 

" I work here, unnie," I sassily said. 

" You need to rest! It's only been one week and one day since the incident happened, and your mild concussion isn't fully healed!" Jennie-unnie says. 

" But, I'm fine, unnie. Really," I said, looking up at them with pleading eyes. Jennie-unnie shook her head, which prompted the others to also shake their heads. 

" It's not fine, Y/N. You're going to strain yourselves and God knows what will happen next if you don't take care of your body and mental health," Kai-oppa says gently. I shook my head. 

" Just finish today, and have the rest of the week off, alright? Please," Soobin-oppa says. I sighed, clenching my jaw. 

" Why does everyone keep saying 'please' to me?" I muttered. Jisoo-unnie kneels down and wraps her arms around me. 

" Because we want you to be safe, Y/N. We want our little dongsaeng safe and sound," she says, giving me a squeeze. I smiled against the hug; I couldn't stay mad at Jisoo-unnie, or Jennie-unnie, or Soobin-oppa, or Kai-oppa, or any of them for such a long time. Jisoo-unnie released and leaned back. " Hungry?"

I nodded, and Kai-oppa went and grabbed my bag, handing my lunch that Jinnie-oppa made me. Opening the lunchbox, I saw a small sticky note with Jinnie's signature handwriting.

Take care at work, beautiful. We'll start packing up your things so that you can move in. - your eldest oppa xx

I smiled bashfully at his note, and took it off the lid of my lunch box, making a move to put it in my pocket when I heard 'aws' coo from above me. I looked over at my unnies and oppas, who beamed down at the note, which they clearly saw. 

" Sounds like a real softie, your eldest soulmate," Jennie-unnie coos. I blushed, opening my mouth to say something, yet it was Soobin-oppa who answered. 

" Noona, they all are so soft towards her. I've seen the way that they look at her, and there's this soft tenderness in their eyes and they become so captivated by her. When I dropped her off the first time she went over to their house, they all seemed so protective because I was standing so close to her, and I have to be honest, I was scared of them. I still am, no joke!" he says, making me giggle. My soulmates were anything but scary. 

" Anyways, they looked at me with such hostility, Noona. But when they looked in front of me, to the person in front of me, all hostility melted and their eyes twinkled. Like, really twinkled. I'm not even kidding anymore. They were looking at her like she was the centre of the universe. Their universe. I didn't want to ruin their little moment, so I went. " 

Jisoo-unnie and Jennie-unnie sat on either side of me during Soobin-oppa's little story. I looked down at my food, heart pounding as I started to eat. Did they really look at me like that?

" Yeah, you went after you said an inappropriate joke," I said lightly, making a face. Soobin-oppa shrugs. 

" You're soulmates. It's not like you're not going to do it with them," he winks. I flushed while Jisoo-unnie smacks him at the back of his head. 

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