news and you

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Saturday couldn't come slower. It felt like eternity before I was finally making my way to the café that Lisa, Beom and I always went to for meeting up. I didn't have to wait until I saw them, already sitting at our seat and sipping on some, what I knew, was bubble tea and munching on some fried chicken skin.

I made my way up to them, smoothing my skirt and hiding my hands in my sweater paws as I smiled at them. They smiled brightly at me, standing up and giving me warm hugs. 

" Hi, Beom-ie. Lisa," I said, giving them both squeezes and sitting down on the opposite bench from them so that I could see their faces as we talked. Lisa gave me her famous smile, her eyes brightened up as usual as she brandishes a white and pink envelope in the air. Beom smiles as well, beaming as he looks at the envelope. 

" We're going straight into business, Y/N. Here's your invitation to our wedding.. that would've been sent to you earlier if we didn't misplace them all," Lisa frowns, but she quickly replaces it with her wide smile. 

I eagerly grabbed it from her, causing both Lisa and Beom to burst out in laughter. I noticed that Beom had whipped his phone out, recording my reaction as I opened the elegant envelope. My eyes scanned the words and my heart accelerated as my eyes widened at the words. 

I gaped at them, looking at both of them as the envelope laid in my hands, forgotten. Beom and Lisa looked at me with nervous expressions, more Lisa than Beom as she bit her fingernails. Her eyes became clouded as she looked at me, giving out a shaky exhale of her breath. 

" So?" she squeaked. I squealed, standing up and grabbing her up, giving her a tight hug. 

" Yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh my God, I'm maid of honour, are you serious?" I asked, holding her at arm's length. She smiled, visibly relaxing at my answer. She started to squeal with me as well, her eyes returning to their original sparkle as she shoots Beom and the camera her smile. I waved at the camera, before returning my attention to Lisa.

" I'm serious, Y/N! You're my maid of honour for my wedding," she said with a bright smile. I returned the smile, going back down on my seat and grabbing the envelope, reading the date and the venue of her wedding. 

" Looks like I'm going to be going to two weddings this winter. Jisoo-unnie's wedding is on the 15 of January and yours is the 12th of February. Wow, this is exciting!" I said, putting the envelope into my purse, making sure that it was secure and safe in there. Beom had put his phone down and was now giving me 9 envelopes.

" Sure is, Y/N. That's for your soulmates and brother and his soulmate. I know we only met your brother and his soulmate some weeks ago, but he's your family. And you're ours. So your family is our family," Beom says, smiling softly. I nodded, placing the envelops in my purse as well. 

" The Sun Cruise, huh? Very fancy for your wedding, Lisa," I said, looking at the venue once more and eyes widening. Lisa flushed and shrugs. 

" I told you when we were little, remember, Y/N? I wanted my wedding to be the best day of my life, next to meeting my soulmate and giving birth to our little one. This is going to be expensive, yes, but it's going to be worth it," she said, looking at Beom with her moon-eyed glaze. I faked gagged, making them both laugh. 

" Just you wait, Y/N. Soon, it'll be your turn." 

I rolled my eyes but I couldn't fight off the blush that was coming to my face. Sure, I knew that we were soulmates and that we were destined to be with each other, but did they want to get married already? Or did they want to wait for a bit more? I wouldn't know, we never had this type of conversation before. 

" I wouldn't know, " I voiced out to Lisa and Beom. " We've never really talked about the prospect of getting married yet."

" You're soulmates. It's an unwritten rule. Or law. Something like that. It wouldn't really matter if you guys weren't married. I mean, you all already act like you're married. It's nice to see you happy and carefree for a change," Lisa said, eyes looking down to my hidden collarbone then up to my scar from the side of my head. 

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