cravings galore!

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I hated always saying early 'see you later's with my soulmates. Lately, my company has been publishing a lot of books, so I have had to sign numerous amounts of packages around the world. Between that and writing my book, I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with my girl and my boys. 

Luckily, it's the weekend. Y/N and Jin-hyung informed us last night that Y/N's friends found out that she's pregnant, much to her dismay. She's been wanting to surprise her friends and older brother, but it seems, that once again, they had the element of surprise on their side. 

Getting out of the car, both Hobi-ah and I walked towards our front door, opening it and instantly hearing the voices of our soulmates. Looks like the others came home early. Checking the time, I saw that it was already 7:30.

" We're home," Hobi-ah calls out and instead of numerous feet pattering against the hallway, we only heard one pair of feet. As I took off my shoes, I looked up, seeing Y/N walk towards us with a pout on her face. 

" They're being mean to me!" she whines, coming over to my open arms. I chuckled, giving her a sweet peck on her hairline. Y/N huffs, wrapping her arms around me as we hear the others come down the hallway. 

" We aren't! Koala, we're just saying, you can't always have Oreos for dinner! It's not healthy for you or our babies," says Tae-ah exasperatedly. Behind him, our soulmates nodded their heads, eyes looking at our baby soulmate with concern. In my arms, Y/N groans. 

" But I want Oreos!" she whines. 

" How about we have dinner and then you can have your Oreos?" I asked gently. Y/N peeks her head from my chest, her y/c/e flickering through different emotions. Finally she huffs and nods.

" Fine. But I better get a gazillion Oreos after dinner," she says, wiggling out of my embrace and waddling back to the kitchen, her hands on her baby bump. 

" I said that earlier," mumbled Jimin-ah, pouting as he follows Y/N back into the kitchen. Our soulmates came over to Hobi-ah and I, giving us our hugs and kisses before we followed our two soulmates back to the kitchen. 

Y/N had taken all of the food that Jin-hyung and her were cooking, putting them on our dining table, already set up. She sat on one of the chairs, crossing her arms and glaring at us. 

" Come on!" she whines. " I wanna eat so I can get my Oreos already!" 

We chuckled, all walking to our seats and saying grace, before digging in. Sitting next to our baby soulmate, I had to constantly tell her to slow down her eating. She glares at me and said that the faster she eats, the faster she'll get to her Oreos. I didn't try and say otherwise but I nudge her gently when I noticed that she was getting... 'tired' from trying to eat too fast. 

Alas, after she had eaten her dinner, she stood up, practically skipping over to our pantry and grabbing two packets of Oreos. She wasn't even back to the table when she had opened one of the packets and was happily munching on one. Her mood instantly became better as she smiles at us, sitting back at her seat. 

" So, there's the matter of my school reunion. Who's gonna come with me?" she asked, swallowing one Oreo and grabbing another one. 

" We haven't really decided," I stated. " We all want to go with you."

" But only one or two can come," she says. 

Looking around the table, I see my soulmates looking around the room as well, a glint of mischief and competitiveness in their eyes. I knew that look. I've seen it so many times in them and I knew I had that look in my eyes as well once I saw how they were reacting. 

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