diary reading

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The ahjussi walked away quite fast, and my eyes snapped back to the retreating figure of the mad woman, to my baby soulmate. 

In Hobi-hyung's arms, she was shaking, uncontrollably. Her eyes had glistened up, not from tears, but from the account of hiding her feelings and emotions. She looked far away, as though she was trying to reminisce memories to make her happy, as though she was running away from the present and trying to dive back into her past. 

" Y/N? Y/N? Sunshine, look at me," Hobi-hyung whispers, trying to her eyes to focus back to us once more. Back to us, where we all were. Where her soulmates were. She didn't budge, giving out small whimpers running from her lips. 

" Please.. go," she whispered once more. My heart wrenched and I found myself reaching out to her. Hobi-hyung looks at me and he nods, placing her in my arms. Wrapping my arms around her, she immediately wrapped her arms around me as well, face burrowing into my chest. 

" I'm sorry, Channie. Mino. I think we're going to cancel with the dinner tonight. Maybe another time?" Jiminie tells our friends. Channie and Mino nodded, eyes looking over at Y/N with concern. 

" Yes of course. We'll see you soon, Jimin-hyung," Mino says. He takes Channie by the hand and we bowed respectfully to each other before they went. I looked at the angel in my arms, my heart wrenching even more painfully as I feel her tremble against me. 

Our soulmates came around us and whispered to each other. 

" Let's go home," Joonie-hyung says with a light whisper. We all nodded. Home was where we needed to be right now. 

Where Y/N needed to be. 

I led her out of the theatre, making sure to hold her tight enough to assure her that I was still there. That we are still there. And that we weren't going anywhere.

And that's a promise. 

I gently took off her heels from her feet once I got her to sit down on the couch

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I gently took off her heels from her feet once I got her to sit down on the couch. The ride home was painfully silence, and I knew what the others were thinking because I was thinking about it as well: how did that mad woman, who killed her sister and her sister's family, know her? 

Looking at Y/N, she still had that unfocused look in her eyes. She was so far way right now, and we didn't know how to get her back to us. We were all around her, in a protective circle, and was somehow all touching her, reassuring her through the physicality of the bond. 

" Y/N? Jagiya... we're home. You're safe, don't worry. It's okay now, you can talk. Come back to us, my love," I cooed at her softly, and she wiggled in her seat. My heart lifted as the reaction of her wasn't a whimper or a trembling hand or figure. I glanced at our other soulmates and they all got the message. We started to say sweet things to her, and less than a minute later, her eyes became focused once more. 

Us { A BTS FF AU } ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora