older brother + clues

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(the next day)

Rushing out of my car, I ran towards the 7 figures huddled together at the front of their doorstep.  Hoseok-ssi had called me, clearly sounding in distressed and saddened, and I knew something had happened. I was in the middle of eating breakfast, but once I heard my Boo's name gasping out from his lips, I was already out of the door. 

" What is it? What happened?" I asked hurriedly, looking at each one of them with a confused expression. I looked around, heart beating and frowning. " Where's Y/N?" 

" Let's come inside, Joonwoo-ah. We need to talk," Namjoon-ah says. I looked closely at each one of them and saw that their eyes were brimmed with red. My world was slowly falling apart as we all walked in their house. 

I felt cold and lost, despite the nearing warm summer. Taking off my shoes and leaving them in the side next to their door and followed them to their living room. I couldn't help but look around, looking for Y/N.

They made me sit on the couch and they sat around me. Taehyung-ssi and Jungkook-ssi were holding to each other with all their might, and I could hear the small words of comfort Taehyung-ssi was giving Jungkook-ssi. I looked at the others and see them huddled in the same way as their second-and-third-to-youngest soulmates were. All seven of them were still wearing their pyjamas and looked absolutely... horrible. They looked as though they haven't had any sleep last night. I licked my lips, running my fingers through my hair and waiting patiently for one of them to say something. 

" It's Y/N," Yoongi-ah says gently. I looked over at him, maintaining eye contact. Gesturing for him to continue, he did, and I could see he did it with a heavy heart. " She.. she was kidnapped.. by your Aunt."

I saw red and my hands immediately curled up into fists. Clenching my jaw, I shook my head, anger bubbling inside of me. 

" Where was she kidnapped?" I asked, trying to calm myself down. 

" From the hospital."

Something in my head clicked and I looked at them. " There was that hospital breach yesterday, wasn't there? I saw it on the news this morning, but I guess I wasn't paying attention to it to notice that someone was missing."

That my Boo was missing.

" She's been missing for nearly 12 hours now and.. I don't know if the police have found something. They've seen the hospital surveillance, and they have informed us that they have a lead, but I don't know how much of a lead," Namjoon-ah says. I nodded gently, leaning forward on my knees and letting out a frustrated sigh that soon turned into a yawn. It was quite early. 

" Anything else you know?" I asked. 

" It was your Aunt and someone else who took her. Jae-ah and Junghoon-ah described the man who took her had a scar on his cheek and that he was also very strong," Hoseok-ah says. Namjoon-ah reaches over the side table and gets a small folder out, naming it to me. " The sketches are there. The police and detectives thinks that this is more than a two-man job. They said it would've needed at least more than two to break into the PEDS ward, breach the security and also have the time to take Y/N-ah. So far, the police and the detectives only know your Aunt and the man who took her. "

I opened the folder as I listened to Hoseok-ah and looked at the sketches. One of them looked similar to Imo Mia and my heart boiled with hatred. I looked away from her sketch, seeing a photo of her as well from the hospital surveillance cameras. I changed the photos and looked at the sketches and the photos of the man. My eyes widened and looked up, eyebrows disappearing into my hairline, I knew. 

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