The Devil's Belonging 24

Start from the beginning

‘’ something clicked wrong in the test exam… in the start, when the school teleported you into you test, you landed in a forest kind of thing, but then something went wrong because they suddenly lost you. When they found you again you were fighting a real snow werewolf, but when they tried to teleport you back again, it didn’t work. It only worked when you made the sign. They saw everything, but they couldn’t interfere.’’

When she stopped speaking I was having a hard time breathing. I could’ve died, and they hadn’t been able to teleport me back, and all over a small ‘glitch’.

She gave me some time to take it in, and when it was obvious I wasn’t going to say anything, she gave me a thick warm jacket and a T-shirt and faded jeans. I took them with confusion.

‘’ its winter! It’s minus twenty degrees outside and its only getting colder and darker by the second.’’ she said in explanation.

I nodded in reply while I thought over the fact that I could, in fact, die. Being ripped around by a giant snow werewolf was obviously the recipe.

I changed clothes and looked down at my stomach which had some ugly jagged scars. I felt a bit sore, but nothing more than that.

The nurse took a final blood test on me before she walked me back to my dorm, there she left me with all the boys hovering above and around me. asking if I needed anything or if it was something they could do. I was almost drowning in the pleas to help me get better when Sam saved me.

‘’ hey guys, lay off. Don’t you see you are overwhelming her? Geez give her som breathing space.’’ Sam snapped and most of the guys moved away, some lingered and helped me steady myself as I began swaying. They let me go, though, when Sam walked toward me. he smiled and quickly pulled me into a cold embrace. I broke.

The tears sprang free from my eyes and they rolled down my face and onto the jacket I borrowed. Sam hugged me closer and since we were standing in the entrance to the dorm, he carried me upstairs to my room. He took my key and opened up before shutting the door behind him.

He laid me on bed and he curled me up against him. He wasn’t warm and he wasn’t demanding and he wasn’t…. he wasn’t that someone I wanted him to be, but at the same time I knew it would never work out. I cried because I had kissed another man when I am dating someone else. I cried because I had enjoyed it. I cried because it felt good to do so. The tears rolled with happiness and sadness. I was going to break his heart and at the same time I took comfort in that he, indeed, loved me dearly.

Sam was whispering in my ear as he cradled me against him, careful to not touch my scars in case they would sting. They were already healing at a rapidly pace, only faint scars were covering me now. And soon there would be no mark left from this experience.

‘’ shhhs, it’s alright now. I will protect you, nothing will harm you now.’’ Sam was whispering to me and I let myself get lulled into that comfort zone, even though I knew it was false. No one could protect me from Lucavarious, and no one could protect my family other than myself. I sniffed and gripped Sam’s arm harder so they tighten around me. Like cold steel wrapped around me in protection.

Only this once was I going to lull into that comfort and safety because tomorrow is the day Sam will take me home to meet his family. The family which will hate me for what I am going to do without their knowledge. Their own son would bring a thief into their mansion where the devil could not set a foot inside, instead of him, his puppet comes along.

After two hours cuddling up against each other, I was calm. Everything could still hurt me, but I would face it with my chin held high, if it was the last thing I would do.

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