The Devil's Belonging 2

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I opened my eyes, before closing them again. The morning light was to bright for me now, I felt like I had been drunk for a year and just now all the hangover came over me. not that I know how a hangover feels, but I can imagine.

''rise and shine, Ciale. Today is a beautiful day.'' Linda chirped happily, she had always been an early riser.

''gof.'' Well I tried to say 'go away' but I was to tried to speak properly.

''Ciale, get out of bed now.'' She said, and in reply I covered my head with the covers. She sighed and walked to my bed before grabbing my ankles and pulling.

''Ciale, let... goo.'' She panted before my weak morning arms got the better of me. She pulled me out of bed, and I landed on my butt on the god damn floor.

''good god, you really need to get up earlier if we are going to do this every day.'' She said just as happily before she walked out of my room and to my brothers' room.

I groaned before I stood up, I pulled on some pants and a t-shirt, not even bothering to look at the clothes because I was just too tired. I stumbled out of the room and reached the stairs. My foot caught something, and I tried to catch myself with my hands, but it was a stair so it was kinda hard to do. I fell down the stair steps one bye one, and pain was kicking in everywhere on my body.

I was making 'ouf' sounds all the time before I reached the bottom of the god damn stair. It was an awkward silent before my brothers' roared with laughter. I got up on my feet's, and held my eyes wide open for anything I might trip in.

''shut up, I was tried.'' I explained to them, but they just didn't want to shut up. I glared at them before I took an apple to eat, I didn't feel so hungry. Funny I always feel hungry, and I always try to eat just a apple for breakfast, but I always ended up eating more than I should.

I walked up to my room again, to fetch my book bag. When I picked up my bag, I caught my reflexion in the mirror. I just stared at the girl in the mirror; she looked like the goddess of sins.

That's when I remembered my dream, I screamed in raw fear. I heard footsteps and I know that it's Linda and Peter.  

I didn't stop screaming, before Peter told me to 'shut up'.

''what is it darling, do you have a zit?'' Linda asked understandingly, I just looked at her. A zit really?

''no it isn't a zit. Look at me, I look pretty.'' I said while I gestured at my body. Or the girl's in the mirror's body.

''darling you aren't pretty, you are beautiful. I didn't know you would look so good with black hair with red highlights.'' Linda gushed and I just looked at her, she was like a teenager. She was more teenager than me, not that it's hard to beat me on that.

''but I have always had blond hair and blue eyes.'' I reasoned, forcing myself to not freak out bye this.

''no silly, you have always had those alluring violet eyes of yours.'' Linda said before she shook her head and walked out of my room, the room that now had a closet full of way to big clothes. Sigh, what will I wear then. Hey wait a minute, I'm pretty, but am I popular? Well I guess there's only one way to find out.

I called ''goodbye'' over my shoulder before I ran out to my car, but the car standing in the garage wasn't mine car, oh no. it was some fancy expensive black car with red inside of it. okay I'll admit that the car didn't sound cool, but it was.

There was a note laying on the seat, and I took it and read.

Forever mine, Ciale.

Dear Ciale, or as I like to call you, Darling. I just wanted to give you this car as a present from your first day as immortal, I want you to remember the date because this is now your birthday, so remember. I'll meet you soon, and in the meantime you can enjoy yourself with this new car. I must say, it really matches your hair.

Forever your master, Lucavarious.

I looked at the note then the car, what happened to my new car? I looked for it eager to drive my usual crappy car, but it was nowhere to be found. I sighed before finally getting in the new damn cool car. I hit the gas, and I was soon flying over the road to my day at school. The only thing I whish for is my revenge for Brandon and his friends. Do not say I haven't warned him, they'll had it coming.


Yeah yeah I know I know, it's short. But I don't think I'll be able to upload in this weekend.

So sorry, but I'll make another chapter which will be longer (hopefully)

P.S: if you want me to upload then I suggest you get your ass up there and VOOOOTE like life is depending on it.

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