It wasn't my fault!

Start from the beginning

"Woah this thing is weird, it doesn't even look Ninjagian," Kai comments. "Which is why you better hope you didn't break it," Nya said. "I didn't break it," Kai looks it over and his hand moved touching the fire symbol. It suddenly glowed and his palm set aflame. "Kai! Put your hand out!" Nya yells at him. "I didn't do it! I didn't want to!" Kai defends himself trying to put his hand out and failing. "Oh give it too me!" Nya grabs the disc which happened to be the water symbol and this time her hand was submerged in a water bubble as the piece started to glow.

"Nya what are you doing?" Kai asks her. "I don't know?" She said and tries letting go only to find her hand stuck. Kai tries the same getting the same result as the other two pieces began to glow too. The air around them began getting windy and the ground began trembling. "Kai!" Nya shouts. "What's happening?" Kai shouts back over the wind. In the next moment there was a flash of light and they were gone.

Two pieces of the previous mentioned disk fell with the missing pieces nowhere to be found, along with the two ninja.

When their friends went looking for them later all they found were the pieces and wrecked car.

Nya and Kai

Kai groans as he woke up looking around to see he was in a forest. It was tall with orange shaded leaves and talk branches.

Looking around he saw someone dressed in light blue next to him. He crawls over and shook them getting a groan from them in response as they sat up and looked to him. Kai realized it was his sister just dressed in clothing he had never seen before.

"Kai? What are you wearing?" Kai looks down at himself. He was wearing baggy red pants, a sleeveless jacket that was a dark shade of red to the point it was almost black with gold coloured highlights, gold belt, and a lighter red shirt under that with short sleeves. His shoes were the same colour as his jacket and had gold highlights too with a fire symbol on it.

Kai responds with. "I could ask you the same thing," he said. Nya looks down at her own attire which was a light blue mini dress that connected above and below her waist that went down to her knees and had cuts in the sides to give her better mobility, it had white fur linings under it, had a dark blue covering half of her stomach area, was a pattern of dark and slightly lighter triangles, the top of it also had fur lining though much subtler looking more like style than practical, under it was dark navy blue leggings with brown leather skin boots lined with white fur, her arms were also covered in dark navy blue skin tight clothing, strapped across her like a hand bag was a light leather band and at her waist was a nap sack big enough to hold at least a decent amount of water.

Kai had to admit he was a little jealous his sister had such a cooler outfit than his because as much as he loves red he wouldn't mind some more colour variety since even the gold was tinged with red.

"Where are we?" Kai asks looking around. Nya shrugs and looks around. "Hey look," She picks up the stone piece and Kai found his own piece. "Do you think they transported us somewhere?" Kai asks. "Let's just hope it's not far," Nya said as she turns the stone over. Her eyes widened in confusion and Kai stood by her to see what it was.

It was half of a image so Kai pulled his part out and connected it too that part. They were shocked when it started glowing and they dropped it out of fear walking back nervously. Suddenly a light appeared and what stood in front of them looked like a translucent being. They had flowing robes of shifting earthy colours and skin so pale it was white.

"Who are you?" The siblings asked at the same time. "I am someone who seeks help, which is why I brought you both here," said the being with a angelic female voice. "We don't understand? Where are we?" Nya asks.

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