Ellie's pov:
James has made me feel so special tonight. He's truly made me feel like the most beautiful girl not only at the ball but in the whole world. He's not as awkward at dancing as I thought he might be, actually.
After our fifth dance in a row, I feel the need for some water and a good sit. I find Albus and Scorpius who are ready to sit as well and Scorpius goes with James to get refreshments.
"Are you guys having fun?" I ask Albus, leaning against him as he leans against me.
"A blast, really! I'm so happy you convinced him to finally ask me out. Don't try to deny it."
"Okay fine I'll take credit for the cutest couple here."
"You really do look amazing you know? Everyone is saying it. Some of the sixth year Gryffindor guys are trying to find a way to distract you from James," he tells me.
"Well, one, thank you for the compliment and two... they can try it but it won't work. He's truly got me wrapped around his finger. Don't tell him that though."
"He won't hear it from me."
"Who won't hear what from you?" James says from behind us, passing over water cups.
"Nothing," we both say innocently.
"Hmm sure, I believe that." James looks between us and smirks.
"Albus the song!" Scorpius jumps to his feet.
"Oh wow! Let's go!" They both go running off to the dance floor.
James and I look after them. "We look like parents you know?" I say after a while. "That's why they swat me away when I kiss their heads I'm like their mother."
James laughs and reaches over to my hand. "You'd be the cool mom I think."
"And you'd the the embarrassing but secretly cool dad," I tell him and laugh at his expression.
"I need some air, what about you?" When I nod, James helps me up and brings me outside with him. "Desmond and Alli look sharp together right? That was a good setup on your part," James compliments me.
"I'm pretty good at that. Although I have to admit I didn't see Conor and Dahlia coming."
"Yeah no one did! But he admitted to us that he's fancied her since our first year." It's quiet between us for a while.
"Who did you like before you met me? I've heard a bit about your reputation. Who was it going to be before me?" I look over at him. He's not grinning like I thought he would be. "James?"
"Do you see that over there? Somethings wrong. Over by the forest." James's eyes focus out to the edge of the forest where I do see some odd movement. Then suddenly, a yell for help.
Without even thinking about it, James and I start running towards the yelling. I kick off my shoes as I run because they're just slowing me down. Suddenly my heart sinks to the ground as I see a familiar head of hair. Scorpius.
Some bigger guy has blood on his knuckles and dress robes and is holding Scorpius up to punch him again. "Hey!" James pushes the guy to the ground and starts punching his face with such brute force it scares me.
"Scorpius honey are you okay?" I turn to my sweet boy who's face is covered in blood. He's shaking so hard and crying even harder. I pull him close to my chest and look over to see James still beating the life out of the guy. "James! Enough!"
"No it's not!" He yells and starts bashing the guys head on the ground.
"Shit James!" I hug Scorpius closer to me, scared for so many reasons. "Where's Albus?" I whisper to Scorpius but he's unable to answer.
"James! Alright!" Out of nowhere, Desmond shows up to pull James off of the asshole who hurt my boy. "James just stop! Where is your brother?"
James throws himself on the guy again, shaking him. "Where's my brother you piece of shit?"
"I found him!" Conor yells from deeper in the forest, practically dragging a barley conscious Albus out.
My whole body shakes and I feel myself collapse. "Albus!" James yells and runs over, scooping him up. Desmond pries Scorpius away from me and Conor helps me up, taking gentle steps with me all the way to the infirmary.
"I don't understand. They were just dancing I just saw them!" I say, shaking as we walk.
"It's gonna be okay," Conor whispers to me, holding on tight.
"Conor, I don't understand," I cry.
"That guy back there... he's been threatening to hurt Albus and Scorpius since they became a couple. He's very homophobic. James made us promise not to tell you so you wouldn't worry."
I stop walking and look in his eyes. "What?" Conor looks down, ashamed. "I could've kept a better eye on them. I could've helped them. This could've been avoided!" I yell. James doesn't look back but Desmond does. "Just go! Hurry, they're hurt really badly. We'll talk about this later."
We all finally get to the infirmary and everyone but James is instructed to leave, despite my very loud protests. I slump down outside of the infirmary, defeated.
Desmond and Conor stand in front of me, waiting to be screamed at again. But I have no energy for it. "You should have at least told Mcgonagall," I say quietly.
"We did, that's why that kid was kicked out of Hogwarts. We had no idea he'd be stupid enough to come back and hurt them," Desmond says annoyed.
"What's with the tone?" I look up at him.
"He's my family too. I love him too." He crosses his arms and looks away.
"You're right, I'm sorry." I stand up and give them each a kiss on the cheek and start walking away.
"Where are you going?" Conor yells after me.
"We aren't needed here for tonight you guys. I'm going to change out of this dress and scream into my pillow for a while." I look at them for a minute. "I told him they'd be okay and they're not. They're not okay and there's nothing I can do about it." I turn and head straight for my dorm.
Ripping off my bloodstained dress, I still feel myself shaking. My boys. My sweet boys are hurt. I rip out my extensions and wipe off my already tear stained makeup. I scream as loudly as I can and punch my bed several times. I should have known. I should have watched them better. Why can't I control these things? Why are people so cruel? Standing there naked I decide I officially look insane.
I pull on some pajamas and crawl into bed, crying hysterically. Please just let them be okay.

I Fancy You: James Sirius Potter Where stories live. Discover now