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Note, some things in this chapter had to be altered in order to fit the story line of this fanfic.

For example, Akame is supposed to be taken to the Capital as someone who is heavily injured during her fight with Merraid. However, since I made it as Akira doing the fight, Akame was not the one who suffered heavy injuries from fighting Merraid.


After the battle between Akira and Merraid, the mission was essentially completed. But they were still waiting for the reinforcements they requested to arrive, the Incineration Squad. 

The squad then arrives on giant rabbits, putting Natala onto it as he was the one who was the most heavily injured. Akame was asked to go along with him to the Capital for some business, but the red-eyed girl wished to stay. She still believed that they could still find the icy blue-eyed teen, but even with the Four Rakashasa Demons heightened senses, they could pick up no trace for him.

With no choice but to leave, Akame looked down at her hand, Akira's raven skull necklace clutched tightly in her hand. Moving a finger to her lips, touching it, she thought back to the kiss. Despite how she felt about him before, it was only now she realized how Akira felt about her. Now she wondered.

Could she have given him a chance like Akira did with Gin? Just thinking about it made her mind spiral out of control.

Sighing, Akame got onto the giant rabbit with Gozuki. As the captain of the Incineration Squad, Bols, departs from the area, Gozuki and Bols talking to each other, Akame kept staring at the necklace. Seeing as it wouldn't do her anything if she just kept staring at it, Akame wraps the accessory around her neck, tying it as it now hung from her neck. She remained silent for the ride, but there was one thought that ran through her mind.

Akame: (thoughts) 'Akira...I don't know if you're still alive or not, but...wherever you are, watch over me. No, watch over all of us. Please.'


Arriving at the Capital, Natala was taken to the ICU. It was told that he would need six whole months to make a full recovery. Akame on the other hand was taken in for a check-up to see if she suffered any wounds. 

Thankfully, she hadn't suffered any. The insecticide that she had taken had eliminated the insect eggs that rested inside her. At the moment, she was with Gozuki, the two of them standing in front of the Great General Budo, the one who holds the highest-rank in the Empire.

Budo: "So this is the assassin that rivals the one who defeated the leader of the Oarburghs? Then, where is that one?"

Gozuki: (sigh) "Unfortunately, he lost his own life to allow Akame to escape. While Akira may have been No. 2 of the seven I took in, there are some aspects of Akame that are better than him."

Budo: "I see."

Akame: (thoughts) 'He has such an intimidating presence...who is he?'

Gozuki: "This is Great General Budo. He's the highest-ranking officer of the Imperial Army."

Budo: "Saikyuu asked me to train you."

Gozuki: "It's quite an honor...to be trained firsthand by the Great General himself."

Budo: "I haven't made up my mind about it yet, but I see potential in you. Your name is Akame, is it? Put your hand out."

Doing as instructed, she puts her hand out. Both her and Budo grasps hands, doing a tight handshake.

Budo: "You're relatively strong for one so young...my training probably won't kill you. And you're pretty limber too."

Akame: (thoughts) 'The Great General...if he's the highest-ranking officer in the military, he must be strong.'

Ice Cold Reaper | Akame ga Kill! Zero × OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang