21| Escape, The Third Casualty

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The reinforcement the Capital had sent to the Elite Seven was one of the Empire's well known generals. Her icy blue hair was very recognizable and her power was something to be feared.

Holding the title as the Empire's Strongest. Her name is Esdeath.

Gravekeeper: "So I'm the only one left...and here I'm supposed to be retired. Not only will I battle you, I'll tear you to shreds, Empire wench."

Esdeath: "So it's a bear this time, is it? I hunted a lot of those when I was a little girl."

Gravekeeper: "In close combat, I have never been bested. Will you still challenge me?"

Esdeath: "Sounds fun. I'm in."

Gravekeeper: "You'll regret it!"

The Gravekeeper lunged forward with a loud roar, Esdeath grinning in response. She hoped that her opponent before her was quite strong. Because so far, she was enjoying slaughtering them all.

Esdeath simply raises her foot, her heel hitting the Gravekeeper's forehead. The Gravekeeper himself was shocked by Esdeath's strength, him being sent backwards. Quickly, Esdeath had gotten in front of him, putting her index finger on his chest.

Esdeath: "Everything freezes before me."

And before he could react or respond, the Gravekeeper's lower body was encased in ice. He now wiggled and squirmed, trying to free himself.

Esdeath: "What happened to you being undefeated in close combat? That was too easy."

Gravekeeper: (shivering) "I...I'll break out of this ice."

Esdeath: (begins walking away) "Looks like a futile struggle to me. A Teigu that controls ice...what a marvelous power I've come into."

Gravekeeper: "Y-You Imperial wretch...! What did we ever do to you!?"

Esdeath: "You were targeted because you're weak and wealthy. That's all. You should have recognized your own weakness sooner and paid yearly tribute to the Empire as insurance."

Gravekeeper: (thoughts) 'Us...weak...? It...can't be...'

The Gravekeeper's body was then fully encased in ice, now shattering into smaller pieces. All while this happened, Esdeath had a bored look, her amusement now unsatiated.

Esdeath: "...For the last man standing, that was awfully quick." (turns head to female Gravekeeper) "Hey. Aren't there any stronger guys here?"

Female Gravekeeper: "Eeh!? Th-There's the boss...b-but I don't think he's as strong as you..."

The girl was cut off, Esdeath walking over to her encased body, the icy blue-haired general kicking it. The ice shatters, causing the female Gravekeeper to split into smaller parts. She then stomps her foot, shattering some of the ice fragments below her before she looked around the room, looking at her handiwork.

Esdeath: "Those with fragile hearts are now fun. They surrender so quickly." (sigh) "I suppose I'll return to the battlefield. I'll leave the tasty part to the lackeys."

Back with the Elite Seven...

Weneg: "The Gravekeepers have been wiped out...we lost..."

Akira: "It seems the Capital sent in more reinforcements."

Green: "Now we can go home."

Weneg: "Fools...I won't let you leave here...alive...and I won't give you our treasure. If I...if the boss dies...then this mausoleum...will..."

Green: "What's he talking about...?"

Akira: (realization) "Shit...! We gotta get outta here!"

Before they had time to comprehend what Akira said, the whole tomb began to crumble and shake. That's when it clicked in their heads. Since Weneg was down to his last legs, he's was going to attempt to take them all down with him. Some of the debris from above begins to fall, some of the falling on Weneg, crushing him to death.

Ice Cold Reaper | Akame ga Kill! Zero × OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon