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Akame, Akira, and Kurome found themselves in front of an oil shop. Kurome and Akira stepped up first, the icy blue-eyed teen opening the sliding door to allow the younger girl in first.

Akira: "Um, excuse me? We're with the Suekuni Trade Firm. We've come to  buy some oil."

Store Clerk: "Uh-huh." (turns around) "Oil's in high in demand these days, so it'll be expen...sive!?"

Akame: "We'd be ever so grateful if you would...give us a discount?"

Kurome: "Yeah."

Upon seeing the two sisters, noticing how cute they were, even though the two kept a straight face, the store clerk laughs heartily.

Store Clerk: "How can I say no? But just a little one, you scamps!"

Akame: "Thank you so much!"

Akira smiles at the scene before he turned around slightly, feeling a presence. Turning his head around slightly, he sees a man walking away, but it was clear to Akira that the man was looking at him. Akira narrows his eyes in suspicion.

Akira: (thoughts) 'That guy...he doesn't have the gait of a merchant...something worth mentioning to Gozuki.'

Timeskip-City of Sweun, Suekuni Trade Firm

Gozuki: (flipping through papers) "You guys are competing in sales, aren't you? After tallying the results...Team Green wins."

Natala: (surprised) "Th-Thank you very much!"

Akira: (sigh) "And this is why I told you two not to eat everything too much."

Kurome/Akame: "We're sorry."

Akira: "Well, it's done now, so there's no point on dwelling about it." (looks to Gin) "Looks like you and your team won, Gin. Sounds like quite a bundle."

Gin: (pouts and looks away) "Hmph. Whatever."

Akame: "Did something happen?"

Natala: "Ah! I messed up a little...it's no biggie."

Akira: "Ah, that's right. I have something to report."

Gozuki: "Go ahead."

Akira: "There was a suspicious merchant."

Gozuki: (surprised) "Nice. I'll look into it right away. You guys keep working."

Gin: "We should switch up teams!"

Natala: (thoughts) 'Things are so awkward now...'


With the group now switching teams, Team Akame were now composed of Akame, Green, and Natala. The three had traveled down to the city downriver. 

Natala: (setting bags down) "I'm going to go around and make our introductions, see if I can get the negotiations started."

Akame: (concerned) "We just go to the inn. Can't you do it tomorrow?"

Natala: "If I sit still too long, I worry too much. I'll be right back. You guys rest."

Akame was confused as to Green started to nervously sweat. He kept thinking if Natala was aware of his crush on Akame. With Natala now having left the room, Green goes digging into his bag.

Green: "Well, since we're free until tomorrow..." (pulls out paper boat) "I thought I might finish up this guy. I don't want to be trying to work on it while we're on the boat."

Akame: (slight smile) "Is that some kind of paper craft?"

Green: "Yep. A great way to keep my mind off things."

Ice Cold Reaper | Akame ga Kill! Zero × OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz