"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled deeply, sliding off the counter to leave but not before planting a longing kiss on my forehead.

I quickly got dressed in the grey leggings and black hoodie he brought from home and threw my curly hair into a messy bun on top of my head. Nathaniel was waiting for me on the bed with his back against the headboard, looking off to the side, lost in thought and a smile stretched across my face as I took in his outfit again, realization finally hitting me.

"Is there a reason we're dressed alike?" I asked, raising my eyebrows with amusement as I climbed onto his lap.

"Mm, you noticed," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in the crook of my neck, probably from embarrassment. "Apparently, that's what couples do."

"Did you google that?"

I could feel his cheeks against my skin, lifting from the smile taking over his face. "No."


"Shut up."

I rolled my eyes playfully and laughed. "So, what's on the agenda for today."

Nathaniel's entire demeanor changed as he lifted his head from my shoulder to look at me, but before he said anything, I knew we weren't going to be spending the day together like we originally planned.

"I have a few things I need to take care of at the office," he sighed, tightening his arms around my waist, knowing I tend to physically distance myself from him whenever I was disappointed.

"On a Saturday?"

He nodded. "After I get that over with, we can continue our," he paused as if he couldn't believe what he was getting ready to say. "Movie marathon."

And just like that, I lit up like a Christmas tree. "Promise?"

Nathaniel leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine gently. "I promise."

* * *
We ended up spending the majority of the car ride going back and forth on whether he should drop me off at his place or not. I tried to remind him that I have a place of my own that I've been neglecting ever since we got together, but of course, Nathaniel being the stubborn and overprotective person that he is didn't care, saying he feels better whenever I'm at his place because he knows I'm safe. I eventually gave up and agreed, which brought a small smile to his handsome face.

"I should be back around 3 PM," Nathaniel murmured as he unblocked my seatbelt and cupped the back of my neck to plant a tender wet kiss on my lips.

"And then movies all day," I reminded him.

He sighed heavily and leaned his forehead against mine. "Yes, my love, movies all day."

We kissed goodbye one more time before I made my way inside the massive mansion, where I would spend the next few hours trying to busy myself until Nathaniel came home. As soon as I settled down in the living room, getting ready to catch up on Grey's Anatomy, my phone rang loudly, and before I picked it up, I knew it was Stella calling to talk about her engagement party, which will be taking place tomorrow night. I spent the next three hours on the phone listening to her ramble on about the party and wedding and the stress she's been going through trying to make everything perfect. I would occasionally assure her that everything was going to be okay and express how excited I was for her new journey.

By the time we hung up the phone, it was nearing 3 PM, meaning Nathaniel should've been done with whatever he was doing at the office and heading home by now, but when I checked my messages to see if he had texted, there was none.

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