The Hunt's Guests

Start from the beginning

Helena: M-me too...

After searching for several more minutes, they finally saw a speck of light that didn't come from their searchlights, filling them all with joy.

Hammann: There it is! The light!

She was about to run forward, but got yanked back by Cleveland.

Cleveland: Oh no you don't! What if you getting separated was what that thing wanted? If you're caught alone there's nothing we can do

Hammann thought about it, only nodding in silent agreement. The group turned the corner that separated them from their freedom, but stopped immediately after.

They stumbled upon a bloodbath.


They said nothing, only slowly walking towards the bodies and looking them over as they passed. Hammann nearly hurled again after stepping on the ripped flesh of one of the Sirens while Cleveland practically had to drag Helena through the corpses since she froze up being near them.

Finally, they made it out.

Hornet: I thought I'd never see the sun again!

The group was completely ecstatic at their escape, especially Hammann, who could barely stand at the moment from the fear she had going through her during the bunker run.

Cleveland: Thank God...but, what now?

Helena: What do you mean?

Cleveland: I mean, do we report the bodies? Or should we just leave and never look back?


Hornet: I'm not sure, but I would say we report this...if there's something here that tears even Elite Sirens to pieces, then we need to be careful

Helena: Yeah, we need to do that

Cleveland: Alright then, let's ge-



The girls slowly turned to a bush nearby the bunker that led deeper into the forest. It was moving, and as far as they knew, there wasn't any major creatures living on the island.

Cleveland summoned her rigging, aiming it at the spot and preparing herself to fire at whatever came out of it.

The rustling soon grew louder, with Helena also summoning her rigging for combat while Hammann stood ready to deploy hers.

Hornet: You guys are on your own here, I can't summon planes in a forest

They watched the bushes, sweat building up on their brows as the sounds got louder and louder. All culminating in the culprit popping out of the bushes.

Cleveland: Huh?

They found that a Siren had dropped out of the bushes, covering in bruises and minor cuts, most likely from the bushes and rocks. She looked up after her fall and found the group of shipgirls there in front of her.

Siren:'re alive?!

Cleveland: And how are you? I thought all the Sirens here were killed?

Siren:...It's a monster


Siren: She tore us all down like nothing...she psyched us out and forced us to make the first hand, then she tore it off!

Hornet: Who's she?

Siren: Please, I don't care what you do, just please take me with you! I don't care how I'm treated I just want out of here!

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