Chapter 13: Hwa Hae Ji 🆚️ June Lily

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June thought about what Faim told her. “I was so obsessed in fighting the biggest tough guy that I hadn't realized that the one who has been by my side got taken from me. When she'd gone missing, I lost my will to fight. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even to my worst enemy.

Then she looked at Herring while he was talking Hwa Hae Ji. “I don't blame you, I'd be overprotective too if I had a beautiful sister like her.” Herring walked closer. “If this was a duel for her hand, I'd have no problem taking her off your hands.” When June had walked up to Faim to congratulate him earlier, he looked anguished, his fists clenched while his nails dug into the palm of his hands. She knew the feeling of not knowing the whereabouts of a loved one. The inlking of dread that he tried to hide, resonated with her. When she heard Herring laugh, it made her angry. Who in their right mind would overlook abduction as a guise for a sick twisted joke? June glared daggers at the hue-man before she stood up and headed towards them.

"What is a boba anyway?" Herring asked her.

"No way! You don't know what a boba is?! You're clearly missing out! It's a bubble tea drink. You should try one." Hwa Hae Ji told him.

"No thanks, I'm more of a sake kinda guy." Herring declined. June approached Herring before she confronted him.

"I saw the match. What you did to my friend out there was really disrespectful." June said to the Rubrum-Pirian native.

"That's how fights are supposed to be. Getting dirty, throwing punches..." Herring gave a non-committal shrug.

"You were deliberately taunting him." June stated, glaring at him.

"It was only a joke." Herring clarified.

"Well it wasn't funny." June gritted her teeth.

"It was just a match, you shouldn't get so worked up about it." Hwa Hae Ji intervened.

"Well how would you feel if someone took you away from your brother? Or take away your sister?" June lashed out.

"What did you say?" Haeji seemingly asked calmly.

"You heard me! How would you react if your brother or sister got kidnapped? It's not so funny now is it?!" June answered, Haeji grabbed her scythe tightly, glaring at June. Herring, June and even Breloq shuddered at the sudden attitude from Haeji. A drop sweat dropped down the side of June's face.

I would do the same for my sister, Haeji. Make no mistake, I won't let you stop me from rescuing her. June and Haeji met im the middle of the arena where Glen stood to remind them about the rules.

"Here are the rules: Magic is not allowed in the Melee Division. You can defeat your opponent in three ways; by knock out, by ring out, or if your opponent drops out." Glen as he raised three of his fingers for emphasis.

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