Chapter 20

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Hwa Hae Ji had been balling her eyes out for her brother. “It's not fair!” She leaned her head to a wall away from other people. “I'm losing my brother and my chance to pay his treatment.” Then Hae Ji remembered Patricia's smug face. “I hate her!” She banged her EMCuff against the wall, trying to break the bondage the blonde receptionist had over her. “I hate her!”

And again.


And again, and again, and again until she got tired and sat down, hugging her legs.

"How am I going to help my brother now?" She asked herself.

The sound of high heels clanked before Haeji raised her head to see the source of her problem, Patricia.

"Why so sad?" Patricia asked her. The thief of Daoitu stood up teary eyed and angry.

"It's because of you I'm like this." Haeji seethed. Patricia clicked her tongue as she shook her head condenscendingly.

"No no no. You put yourself in that predicament, I simply took safety precautions to ensure you don't swipe the first thing that caught your attention." The receptionist replied casually. Haeji gave an accusatory glare. "During my stay in your world, I heard rumors about you and decided to make my research before moving forward with the preparations. I compiled all the information I needed to bring your brother here to the tournament. It's no secret that you would do anything to find a cure." Patricia took out a vial from her pocket of her three colored jacket. "You see this?"

Haeji's heterochromic eyes stared at the vial.

"I hold the cure for your brother's illness." Patricia stated.

"I don't believe you." Haeji deadpanned.

"I don't blame you. Believe it or not. I was in a similar situation, though I won't bore you with the details."

"What do you want from me?" Haeji asked her, scrutinizing her motives.

"I want you to make my job easier. Go and have fun with the competition. Accept the offer Mrs. Santos gave you, she doesn't give second chances to just anyone. If you win in the Redemption Round, I'll loosen the leash on you. In exchange, you do something for me when the time is right." Patricia warned her.

"Really?" Haeji dried her tears.

"Obviously. I'll call you to give your next instructions. Now move along." Patricia said while Hwa Hae Ji walked out of the hall.

Chris had been looking for Tony, calling out to him, until he turned around to see him nonchalant. "There you are! I thought Simon did something to you."

"I was in the men's room." He furrowed his eyebrows, giving an irked tone.

"Listen, I'll be participating in the Redemption Round tonight." Chris informed him as he put a hand on his shoulder.

"Good for you." He commented before Chris walked away, Warlin shapeshifted back to his original form.

Have fun while it lasts.

Stella woke up from the bed, and shifted to the side to get out of the bed. While she walked she heard a loud cough comimg from the next room. She opened the door to see the sick patient.

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