Percy and Nico spend the day with mortals

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Percy's POV

So.....Nico was not having it. Let me explain.

A few of my mortal friends wanted to hangout, but I wanted to spend the day with Nico. I told the guys that I would meet them, but that Nico would come with me.

My friends said that it was okay and we were all sitting at the park right now.

Paul, one of my mortal friends was eating a turkey sandwich and pestering Sam, another friend, with random questions. Tegan, my newest friend, was trying to talk to Nico and I. 

"So, where are you from?" Tegan asked Nico. Nico sighed and thought of a good answer.

"I lived in Italy, but moved to Las Vegas and then came here," Nico explained. We were all sat on picnic blankets and eating food. Nico and Tegan sat with me, while Sam and Paul sat in the other.  I picked at my sandwich and watched as Nico restrained from killing the poor mortal.

Neither of us had touched our food and the other's seemed to notice.

"Why aren't you guys eating?" Sam asked, taking a bite out of his sandwich. Nico looked at me, waiting.

"Uh we ate before coming here," I lied, tryin to sound convincing. Nico nodded and shot me a look. My friends stared at me, and I was worried that they were skeptical, but they just went back to doing their thing.

Nico sighed and looked at the sky. I touched his shoulder lightly and smiled gently.

"So, you guys live together right?" Tegan asked, fishing out a bag of chips from the basket we brought.

Nico nodded slowly, not liking all the questions he was asking.

"Is just you guys and your parents?" He asked. Nico's eyes hardened and he sat still. I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"My mom adopted Nico and another one of my cousins, so it's six people in total" I replied. Tegan frowned.

"Six people?" He asked. I nodded.

"Me, my mom, my step dad, Nico Thalia and Annabeth" I listed, smiling at Annabeth's name. Tegan still looked confused.

"Is Thalia your cousin?" He asked. I nodded. "Who's Annabeth?" He asked.

"She's my best friend, she stays with us on school days" I explained. Nico made a sound and rolled his eyes. I rolled my eyes back at him and shoved his shoulder playfully.

"Friends" Nico mumbled, still smirking. I scoffed and grinned. Tegan stared at us and shrugged.

"What school do you go to the?" Tegan asks Nico. Nico shruggs.

"I don't" he replies, leaning back against his elbows.

"You don't go to school?" Tegan clarifies, bewildered. Nico nods.

"Both of my cousins are already well educated and travel a lot, well Thalia does" I explain. "Nico doesn't do well around strangers so my mom doesn't send him to school," I add.

Tegan nods, still looking weary.

Nico pulls his jacket closer to himself and let's out a sigh. I smile at him and toss him an apple. Nico rolls his eyes and smiles.

"I'm not going to marry you Jackson, I told you already" Nico begins before I cut him off.

"Yeah I know, I'm not your type" I finished, rolling my eyes. "You already have someone, that apple is of no significance" I retorted. Nico smirked.

"Did you learn that vocabulary from Annabeth," Nico mutters. I scoff.

"I'll have you know, I searched that word up by myself in 5th grade" I responded, rolling my eyes. Nico nodded and smiled.

"My upmost apology" Nico joked, chuckling.

I laughed and shook my head.

"You're just mocking me now" I stated. Nico nodded.

"True," he stated. Tegan frowned.

"In Greek mythology, you signify a marriage by throwing an apple to your partner" I explained. Tegan nodded. He was about to say something when someone shouted my name.

"Percy!" The voice shouted. Nico and I whipped out heads around and smiled. It was Katie Gardener and Travis. Katie walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, smiling. Travis w,braces me and patted my back. Katie smiled and gave a wave at Nico. Nico gave her a small smile and nodded at Travis.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. Katie shrugged.

"Stoll's on a break, so we decided to go around for fun" Katie replied, shrugging. I nodded. Someone begins us cleared their throat. I turned around and saw my friends staring at me.

"Oh, Katie, Travis meet Paul, Sam and Tegan" I introduced "Guys, these are my friend Travis and Katie".  Katie waved and smiled. Travis gave a small wave and smirked.

"Travis, give me the contents of thei pockets" I stated, putting my ha don't. Travis groaned.

"I never manage to get you guys anymore" he complained as he handled me a wallet, a phone, a few coins and a piece of gum. I gave the items back to my friends and smiled.

"Maybe you've lost your touch?" Katie suggests. Travis stared at her in horror.

"Katie, how could you!" He exclaimed, putting a hand to his chest. Katie rolled her eyes and smacked him in the head. Travis winced, smirking.

"See you guys later," Katie said as she wheeled Travis away. I waved and said bye.

"That was weird," Sam comments as we sit down.

"My friends are weird" I reply, shrugging.

Nico smiled and patted my shoulder. We all talked and chatted for another hour or two. Nico started talking a little more and would make occasional comments.

We were packing up when someone hugged me from behind. I tensed,  it only for half a second. I melted into the hug and smiled.

"Wise girl," I greeted, turning to face her. She smiled.

"Hey seaweed brain,  missed me?" She asked. I nodded and kissed her.

"More than you think," I replied, pulling away.

"Hey Nico," Annabeth greets gently, pulling away from my hand. Nico smiled and hugged Annabeth.

"Hello," he mumbled back, smiling.

"You okay? Annabeth asked, pulling away. Nico nodded. I smiled and wrapped my arm around Annabeth's shoulders after she pulled away from Nico.

You gonna introduce us Percy?" Sam teased. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Annabeth," Annabeth introduced before I could even open my mouth. Tegan's mouth gaped open and he stared at her.

"You're- oh wow" Tegan sputtered out. He smiled. "Percy's told me alot about you," he stated. Annabeth smiled.

"Not all good I hope?" Annabeth replied. I laughed.

"Do you blame me?" I asked, kissing her head. Annabeth rolled her eyes and grinned.

"I'll see you guys later, got to take these two home before dinner," I stated, waving,

. My friend said bye and we walked off. Annabeth's asking about our day and Nico trying. His very best to make me look stupid.

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