Percy Reunites with his mortal friends part 2

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Isaac's POV

Percy and I were currently at my house. We were working on our greek project. 

I decided to choose Athena and Percy had gone with Poseidon. Percy had a piece of paper and was writing quickly. I saw his pen go across the page. 

"How are you writing so much?" I asked. Percy just shrugged. 

"I know a lot about Poseidon," he states before going back to writing. I stared down at my own paper. 

It was blank. I tapped my fingers on the couch. 

Athena. She was the goddess of wisdom and she liked owls. That was all I could think of. 

I heard Percy sigh and lookup. 

"I finished," he states. I gape at him. 

"Help me," I beg. He laughs and nods. 

"Alright, so Athena is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy" Percy begins. He waits for me to write that down. "She is described to be very beautiful and majestic. Her steely gray eyes are cold and her lips are unsmiling. She is seen wearing stern expressions and often has an owl perched on her shoulder" he explains. 

"Athena is known to be strategic and very smart. She carries a shield with an image of medusa's head, often petrifying her enemies to stone" he states. "Athena is a maiden goddess, meaning that she can't have kids" Percy smiles at that. "Athena was born from Zeus's head and mastered the art of weaving".

"Athena was one of the few Olympians who paid any attention to demigods. She was well known for helping heroes and was respected greatly" Percy finished. 

I laughed. 

"How do you know so much?" I asked. He shrugged. 

"Read yours" I demand, wanting to hear more. Percy sighs. 

"Alrighty, but I wrote mine is greek" he states. 

"What!" I exclaimed. He chuckles. 

"Yeah, Ms. Azela gave me permission to," he explains. I stare at him. "Okay, so Poseidon" he begins. 

"Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquakes, storms and creator of horses" Percy explains. "He was one of the big three and king of the seas. He was feared by many and was known to be very ill-tempered" Percy continued but frowned. "Poseidon had a rivalry with Athena and the two had a very public fight to become the ruler of the Athens. Athena won." Percy smiled. "I think that Poseidon was one of the most powerful gods and he made a very big impact on many of the stories" Percy concluded. 

"I was thinking about doing Hestia, but I don't know much about her; I didn't want to offend her with wrong information" he states. I stare at him. He grins. 

"What, you never know, they might be listening," he says, teasing. There was something else to his voice though. 

He smiled, just as his phone rang. 

"Hello?" he said, frowning. "Piper, wha-?" he started saying but paused. He paled. 

"Oh gods, Piper calm down" Percy states, he stood up. "You don't have any with you?" he asked. I frowned, what was he talking about. 

"No, Piper, you have to apply pressure" Percy states, leveling out his voice. "Piper, breathe" he demanded. "It's alright Piper, calm down" he states. "That's good, rip off a piece of your shirt and wrap it up" Percy instructed.  "It's okay, just breathe," he said. "Can you walk?" he asked. "No?" he questioned. "Okay, where are you?" he asked. 

"You're in Oklahoma City?" Percy questions. "I'll call Nico to come to get you. Just hang on" Percy commands. Then, he hands up and dials another number. 

"Nico, yeah" he greets. "I need you to go to Oklahoma City, near Piper's house, she says she's near a  museum," he says calmly. "Get there fast, she's hurt" Percy states. "Okay, tell me what happens," Percy says, hanging up. Percy sighs and calls another number. 

"Travis, shut up, there's a serious matter at hand," Percy says, almost threateningly. "Piper is going to be at camp any minute now, tell Will to prepare, she's hurt" Percy instructs. Hurry up," he says, hanging up. Percy sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. 

"Are you alright?" I ask. He whips around. 

"Oh, I'm fine, one of my friends got hurt" he explains. I nod. He sits back down and we just talk about random things for a couple of minutes. He was about to say something when the phone rings. 

"Nico?" he asks "How is she?". Percy bites his lip. "She's okay? Sleeping, oh thank god," he breathes out. 

"Okay, let me know if anything happens, tell her to stop by my house when she's better," Percy says. "Okay, I'll see you at home Nico," Percy says, hanging up. 

"Is she okay?" I ask. He nods. 

"She's resting" he replies, sagging into the couch. I nod. 

Percy glances at the clock. 

"Styx! I've got to get home" he exclaims. "I'll see you tomorrow Isaac," he says. I wave at him. 

"Bye Percy," I say. He quickly packs his bag and runs out. 

I sigh. 

What the heck just happen? 

That, was Percy Jackson, again.

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