Percy's agitation

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Percy's POV

I sat down next to Annabeth and my mortal friend Liam. I leaned into Annabeth and she hugged my side.

"It's alright," she promised. I nodded and played with the strands of pasta on my plate. Annabeth bit into an apple and set it down. Her brows scrunched up and she swallowed the apple. I squeezed her hand and she relaxed. I knew it was hard for her to eat and we would normally get away with not eating lunch, but our friends were looking at us.

Liam stared at me and Annabeth.

"Are you alright? You guys barely eat anything nowadays," he asks, looking concerned. Annabeth's finger dig into my hand and I rub circled with my hand. Her fingers relax and she replies smoothly.

"We're fine, just not hungry" she answers, looking honest and very convincing. If I hadn't known her better, I would've believed it, but the clenched strain in her voice made it clear to me that she was lying.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Mom gives us a lot of breakfast," I add, giving our friends a fake smile. Cassie, one of our friends looks unconvinced, but stays silent.

"You two live together?" Liam asks, raising her brow. I nodd, acting casual.

"I stay with Percy's family on school days" Annabeth adds quickly. "It's closer to school" she states. Liam nods slowly, unsure. I stand up and Annabeth quickly follows as we try to go to our next class.

Parker, another friend grips my wrist. I freeze, turning to him. I grit my teeth together and restrain from pinning him to the ground. I wince as he grips tighter.

"What aren't you and Annabeth telling us?" He demands. I clench the hand he isn't holding and manage to get five words out.

"Get your hand off me" I say coldly. My voice is smooth and icy. Parker doesn't let go.

"Answer my question" he says in a low voice. I feel my nails press into my hands and I struggle to calm myself. Annabeth quickly comes and pushes his hand off me. I release and breath and press into Annabeth. She wraps her arm around my waist and looks at me.

"Calm down Percy" she orders, her voice was flat. I take a breath and my hands slowly unclench.

"Answer my question" Parker repeats, crossing his arms over his chest. Annabeth tenses.

Her grip around me tightens and I can feel her body grow stiff.

"Nothing happened to us" I respond, feeling my anger rise again. Parker shakes his head.

"I don't believe you." He states "you have been acting distant and never smile anymore". He stares at me and then at Annabeth. "And your little girlfriend is weird, she never talks to anyone but you, she doesn't eat and she acts like she's about to die every day" he regorts.

I clench my fists again and feel Annabeth's anger roll off of her. I lose it and drag him outside. Annabeth follows and so do my other friends. I take Parker outside and pin him against the wall.

"Listen here Parker," I growl. "Nobody talks about Annabeth like that. And for the record, we have been through things you could never even imagine" I snarl "so yeah, we have every right to be how we are". Parker pales, but looks angrier than before.

"Percy, enough!" Annabeth exclaims. She forces me off Parker and then releases her grip.

I flinch and glare at Parker. Annabeth glances at me and then goes to Parker.

"Touch my boyfriend and you'll regret it" she says in a low voice. Parker laughs.

"You think you can take me?" He asks, disbelief and mockery written all over his face. I felt like punching this guy and could feel Annabeth's anger.

Annabeth without a second thought, knocks him to the ground and knees him in the chest.

"I know for a fact, that you'll end up far worse if you say anything else" she replies. She gets off him and walks to me. Annabeth grips my hand and meets my gaze.

"I'm so done with school" I state. We glance at the people I thought were our friends and leave.

We quickly get into Paul's car and drive home.

Annabeth sighs and smiles.

"Look at us, leaving school and making enemies" she mused.

"We can find better, I wouldn't want anyone to talk about us like that everyday" I reply. She nods and laughs.

"I love you Percy" she promises and squeezes my hand on the wheel.

"Same here Wise Girl" I respond, smiling

Sorry it's so short. I was bored and wrote this for fun.

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