Percy's mortal friend

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Percy's P.O.V.

"Percy? Percy? Percy?!" a voice chants in my brain. I shook my head, snapping out of my reverie.

"What?!" I snapped. I looked around, I was at school. I exhaled, massaging my temples. "Gods" I muttered. My friend, Derek stood next to me in the hallways. In front of me Haley, another mortal friend looked at me with worry. The only person I trusted here, Thalia, looked up at me. 

"Kelp Head?" she questioned, cautiously. "You okay?".  nodded, breathing heavily. 

"Fine," I replied. I breathed, trying to calm myself.

"Sorry Derek," I said, opening my eyes. Derek looked at me, worried. 

"It's fine Percy" he replied. Haley looked at me and reached forward. She held my hand, before I could say anything, and gave it a squeeze. I flinched and pulled back. 

Thalia wordlessly shoved Derek to the right and stood next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"It's alright Perce, just a few more days" she promised. I nodded. Derek and Haley looked at us, confusion etched on their faces. 

"Are you alright man? You haven't acted the same since the start of the year." Derek asks. I nodded.

"I'm fine" I responded. "Just didn't get much sleep yesterday".

"It's cool, but I'm just worried. You don't show up for like the whole school year, then the next year you show up with some girl-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"My cousin" I state. He nodded.

"Sure, and you're distant and cold, tempered, and look like you've gone through hell and back." he continues. My eyes hardened. 

"I'm fine okay, I just went through something last year. Thalia's here because she needs education and she wanted to stay with me" I retorted.

"So, what about your temper and your zone in and out of class? Like, you aren't the Percy I remember" he pressed. I clenched my fist.

"Enough" Thalia growled. Derek laughs.

"You need your cousin to defend you Perce, I'm just asking if you're alright?" he jokes. Thalia snarls and moves towards him. 

"Thalia, calm down" I muttered, pulling her back. She glared daggers at Derek, standing close to me. Haley looks at me, concerned.

"We just want you to know that we're here for you," she said, gently.  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and just nodded. 

"We have to get to class" I stated, walking away and grabbing Thalia's wrist.

 "I can't do this anymore, I need her right now" I state angrily as we walked to class. She nodded, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Thank me later, cousin," she said in a singsongy voice before pulling me into the classroom. I stared at her, confused. I looked around the classroom and found two empty seats. I sat her down in one before sitting next to her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. She smiled.

"Just wait" she shushed. Once the class quieted, the teacher said something that surprised everyone.

"Class, please welcome our new student," she said, before opening the door. My heart stopped. Thalia laughed. 


Her perfect hair, her stormy gray eyes, stood in front of the classroom. She wore a gray t-shirt and some jeans. Her eyes scanned the room, landing on mine. 

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