22 - The Fight For Aegis Mansion

Start from the beginning

"Get her out of here!" Irene ordered.


Please, don't lose.

I don't want to lose you.

"Come on." I said to Lily. "Let's get her out of here."

We started to drag her away. The ninja didn't seem to care as he continued his match with Irene. He must believe Mother is finished.

Well, she can't be. Mother's strong. She'll survive this.

Footsteps echoed through the hallway. Please don't tell me-


"Eric?!" Lily gasped.

Eric ran through the hallway towards us, Excalibur clutched in his hand. He ran into the room, narrowing his eyes at the match between Irene and the ninja. He glanced back towards Mother, seeing her state.

"Don't worry." He smiled. "It'll be alright."

Eric...I saved you once, I didn't expect anything in return. But thank you.

Eric rushed at the ninja, swinging Excalibur overhead. The ninja quickly turned around, blocking the strike.

Irene appeared behind the ninja, swinging her hammer straight at him. He barely sidestepped it, only to have to parry an attack from Eric.

They now had him cornered. They were on his opposite sides, keeping him from getting a moment to attack. And with all fronts focused on defense, he wasn't able to move around with his intense speed anymore.

So Eric was able to keep up with him despite being a newer Arcana wielder.

Electricity sparked in Irene's hand. As Eric and the ninja clashed, she sent the electricity at the still ninja. It impacted his back, causing him to slightly stumble.

Irene used this chance to slam her war hammer into his side, sending him flying into the wall. He slumped down, completely unconscious.

"Eric? Is Ken alright?!" Irene worriedly asked.

Ken? Since when has Irene started calling Kage by his first name?

"He's fine, just knocked out. But Cyrus got away." Eric sighed. "But first..."

Eric then ran over to us. He grabbed Mother, putting her into a princess carry.

Eric...thank you...thank you so much...

"Come on, Aegis." He said. "We need to quickly get her some help."

Wait. This isn't right.

I placed my hand behind Eric's neck, electricity crackling in between my fingers.

"Who are you?" I ordered.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"Ever since I became friends with Lily I've had her and Eric call me by first name. So who the hell are you?" I replied, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Fuck...Of course..." He muttered to himself.

Another red flag. I've never heard Eric curse.

"Ken." Irene suddenly said.

I looked around, but I didn't see him anywhere. Where is he? Why did Irene say Kage's name suddenly?

Then as I looked back to "Eric", he was no longer Eric.

Instead...it was Kage?!


"Dammit. Every time. How'd you know?" Kage asked.

"Your smell." Irene stated.

"..." We all stayed silent.

"Did I...just hear you right?" Kage hesitantly asked.

"Yes." Irene nodded.

"Oh god..." He muttered to himself.

"I'm a failure...I didn't recognize that scent wasn't Eric's..." Lily muttered to herself.

Do you two girls memorize scents or something? Is that normal?

Wait, that's not important right now.

"Kage? Where's Eric?" I asked.

"He's fine, I promise. He's actually the knocked out one. I placed him somewhere safe before coming here." Kage explained.

"And Cyrus?" I asked.

"He got away. But I did get some info." Kage replied.

"What is it?" Irene wondered.

"Cyrus was being ordered. He didn't want to do it." Kage stated.


"I see." Irene nodded. "We'll talk about this later. For now, we need medical help for Mother."

"Right." Kage nodded.

We ran through the hallways with Kage carrying Mother in the princess carry. Princess carry...

And he was still keeping up with us despite the added weight.


Why? Why did you save Irene? And then, why did you save Mother? Why do you save them, but act so cold to me?

Did I do something?



Why can't I get you out of my head?

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