July 18th: Spill Your Guts

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Mix of requests by kiantrans & Caitlin778413

Since some of yous had a dream about this w/ Harry, I decided to include Harry too hehe

"So let's look at the food we have here today, shall we?" Harry said as he started the Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts with Dom. "I've been dreading this man, you don't understand!" Dom laughed. "Literally, I was texting Kels before this man!"

Harry was filling in for James, since his wife was in labour again, and he needed someone to cover for him. It seemed this was Harry's permanent job, as he quickly filed in for Harry, for a show episode that mainly focused on Dom.

"I am terrified for this, I've seen these videos before," He laughed as Harry listed out the food. "So we have salmon smoothie, beef tongue, bird saliva, herring rollmop, scorpion, fish head, hot sauce and finally, bull penis," Harry listed off.

"I gotta say, Kitchen Nightmares has really fallen off," Dom said, making Harry laugh. "Are you ready Dom?" He asked as he got the questions ready. "So Dom, you wanna go first?" Harry offered. "Let's do it man, what food I gotta eat?" Dom asked, shifting a little in his seat.

You sat in frame, but not playing the game. You'd only gotten married to Dom a month or so ago. This was his first interview since he'd been on honeymoon with you after your wedding. You immediately accepted. "I'll go easy-ish on you, salmon smoothie," Harry said.

Moving the table so the salmon smoothie over to you, Harry read out the question, a smirk immediately on his face. You only giggled as you watched both of their expressions "So Dom, who are your main people you go on tour with?" He asked, just for confirmation.

"Y/N, Tom, Adam, then Kels mainly," Dom said nervously. "Out of those four, rank them for who's most annoying to be on tour with," Harry said with a laugh. "Oh this is easy man," Dom said with a laugh, having no issue with it.

"Most annoying is Colson, he just stinks up the whole tour bus with weed, like I don't need to smell it 24/7," Dom said, making Harry laugh. "3rd is probably Adam, he just decides to practice guitar at the most inconvenient moments. 2nd is Tom, he's always calm,"

"And least is obviously Y/N," He said, making awkward eye contact with you jokingly. "Because she's the most perfect angel, obviously, I love you my wife," He said sarcastically. "That's it," You said jokingly, your arms folded with a stern expression on your face.

"Happy wife, happy life?" Harry asked, laughing. "Happy wife, happy life," Dom repeated. "Well what are you doing for me?" Harry asked. "Dom, make him do the bird saliva. I don't wanna taste that on your breath later," You said, making both of them laugh.

"So that's your main priority here?" He asked. You nodded with a smile on your face as Dom read out the question. "Oh this is good shit," Dom said, sitting up. "Who in One Direction is the most annoying to film with?" Dom asked.

You immediately burst out laughing seeing Harry's annoyed expression on his face. Sighing, he picked up the glass, drinking it. Despite being sat across the room, you immediately gagged. "You're not even the one drinking it!" Harry said, after he spat into the bin.

"It's just gross even thinking about it!" You insisted as you blew your nose. Dom immediately knew why you were being so sensitive about your senses. You were 3 months pregnant right now, and your senses were getting really sensitive. Especially your sense of smell.

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