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Princess Adrianna

To say I was nervous was an understatement. I felt like I was going to throw up with how nervous I was. My stomach was churning and I really didn't want to go and watch people die. Everything I am against is being forced upon me because of my bond to the Death Alpha. If it was up to me, I wouldn't sentence them to death, just a lifetime in jail or something. This is my mother's work, her creations are her children and they will eventually be mine to look over. Knowing that one is dying at the hands of my mate because of me is unsettling.

Honestly, their punished will be much more harsh in the afterlife once my father gets his hands on them anyway. Considering the execution is just another act of torture to add to the their eternity of torture doesn't bother me though. Once they get there and my father is informed of what they have done, executed or not, they'll get the same treatment. He'll gladly torture them until the sun's light fades and the earth goes cold.

I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it is. Octavius must show who is in power and keep the pack fearing him. That he is doing this to put fear into those who are going against him and trying to harm me. That my safety is important and that I am the Luna and my power isn't to be questioned either. That I will not fear a little group who want to hurt me because of my parentage. They don't even really know me, just heard rumors about me and that's what they are going off of.

I am their future Luna and trying to harm me will be seen as a serious crime by the Alpha and I. You don't mess with the Death Alpha or his mate. Nothing good will come from attempting these stunts.

When morning arrived I was in bed by myself and I heard the water running in the bathroom. Octavius was getting ready for today's festivities. To him this is fun and festive, but to me this horrible and sickening. I have to do this to gain their trust and loyalty though. My title won't mean anything to them unless I prove I am worthy of it. I have to earn it in their eyes. My title is enough to Octavius, his beta, his gamma, and the warriors assigned to protect me.

"Princess," a voice calls from the bathroom.

"Octavius," I respond.

"Are you getting ready?"

"I can't start getting ready until someone gets out of the shower."

The door opens and Octavius stands there. Dripping wet still and a towel around his waist. My eyes wonder his body, Goddess, he was hot. I could see everything from his broad shoulders and strong chest, to the V of his hips leading down into his towel, to his strong legs. Across his chest was one long scar and smaller ones could also be seen on his torso. My eyes tracing each tattoo and each scar. I just couldn't help myself, I couldn't take my eyes off his body. The male was built like a body builder, he was insanely strong and large. Like the gods saw it to themselves to craft his body so well.

He smirks and pads towards me and catches my chin. "You can continue to ogle my body later, my love. We have more than enough time for you to get to know my body better. Right now we have to execute these fuckers who tried to kill you," he tells and kisses the crown of my head and heads into the closet.

I could literally feel the flames take over my face and I didn't dare look in the mirror since I knew my face was brighter than a tomato.

I just nod and don't look back at him as I headed into the bathroom. Passing by him quickly and not daring a glance back. Knowing very well he was sporting a prideful grin. After I got out I had a dress chosen for me for the event. It was a black gown and a black cloak lined with black fur was also laid next to it. This one too had a cut out for my arms to go through. Also a new pair of snow boots sat on the floor under the bench.

I was waiting to put the cloak on until we were leaving since it was already warm in here to begin with. Same with the gloves. I didn't want to overheat. I didn't want to get cold so I left my hair down, but did some lose curls to it. Well expect for one side the was pulled to the back of my head a secured with a comb. It was a comb with clear quartz and a crescent moon in the front and center of it.

Octavius wore something to keep him warmer unlike myself. With a warm bulky sweater, jeans, and boots. I wore this as it is expected of the female to dress more formal for these events. Like would you expect the Alpha to wear a suit and tie to an execution, no. But for the Luna, yes. It is expected for her to get dressed up for this occasion. I'm not the one welding the weapon, since he is he must wear clothes to allow easy movement. I am the Soon to be Luna and Moon Princess, therefore this is expected.

"You look beautiful," he tells. "Like, Goddess. I should tell you, you have to dress like this more often for events because by the Goddess you look amazing."

I laugh. "Thank you and you don't clean up bad yourself."

"Shall we," he asks and offers me his arm in which I take.

My cloak was put on as well as the gloves. I really did feel like a Princess again in this gown. I really don't dress like this anymore, so being able to dress up again made me feel more comfortable. Is it weird to say it gives me confidence dressing like this?

The biter air hits my face right away. The cold air biting at my skin, but Octavius seemed use to it. It'll take me awhile to get use to this cold. Not flinching for a second when the cold air swooped in.

The fresh snow crunched under our boots leaving a trail behind us. There were already a crowd forming around the execution platform. The five traitors stood cuffed awaiting their death. Literally being walked to their death and waiting their turn. Little clothed them, exposing them to the harsh conditions. Their teeth chattering and their skin paling. Frost bite most likely setting in.

"Good morning, my fellow pack members. Today these five traitors stand before you. They have been found guilty of conspiring to kill the Moon Princess, premeditated murder, masquerading as the Princess's guards, and attacking the Princess," Octavius informs the crowd.

"Today you will witness their deaths by execution."

I know he is doing this in hopes to scare other's from following. This is what all Alpha's do as it is a commonly used technique that works most of the time. Strike fear into them and show how they will be punished if they follow in their footsteps. To scare those who a stepped out of line to get back in line or they'll face the same fate. This is why he gathers a crowd so they may relay the word to others who weren't in attendance. Also so they can see their deaths, see their pain and fear that fate.

Genuine fear is a tactic when wolves relay messages or tell stories. Their listener picks up on that fear and knows that what happen is true and to heed their words. That they aren't lying or making up the story.

"Today the Moon Princess Adrianna is in attendance of this execution as she was the one attacked. May she rest soundly now knowing her attackers no longer walk this earth. Also, as you all know of the statement I made last night. She will be continue to be in attendance for this event and any and all events in the future. She is your future Luna and I expect you all to give her the same respect as you've given me. She is my mate and I will not tolerate any disrespect. Disrespect her, you disrespect me. She is my equal in every way."

My attackers stood there with wide eyes as they hear that announcement.

Octavius motions forward the four executioners as he stood before the one who attacked and injured me.

He smirks showing his dangerous canines. "And I'll be the last face you see. The God of The Dead won't treat you so well in the afterlife as it was his daughter you hurt, but tell him I said hi, would ya?"

I felt sick hearing the skin rip and the bones crack and watching the blood stream out like a waterfall, but I had to continue to watch to show I can handle their cruel practices. And so I did.

The Prophecy of the Death Alpha✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon