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Alpha Octavius

Why me? Why? Why would the Goddess pair me with her daughter? Is she crazy? Clearly she is as she just gave me her daughter. I am not supposed to have a mate, me of all Alphas'. The most merciless Death Alpha and she just gives me her daughter. There are so many other Alpha Males' out there that her daughter could be paired with. Many well to do males unlike myself, who isn't one. Yet, I am mated to her daughter, to a Princess the future Moon Goddess. It makes you wonder what she is trying to do. Does she expect me to repay her kindness? Do I owe her now? She better not expect anything it return. She decided to mate me with her daughter.

Sitting in my office I run my hands through my hair, stressed and conflicted.

There is a light knock on the door and I give them permission to enter. My general enters.

"The head of the prison guards has informed me that you removed the Princess from her holding cell this morning. Why is that," he asks.

"That is none of your business, general," I inform.

"I think it is. The prison is under my command, so I have the right to know why an inmate was removed without my permission."

"Yet again, I don't have to explain anything to you. I am your Alpha and you are stepping out of line. But if you think about it, I am in command as I am Alpha. You are just taking commands from me, your higher up and passing it onto them."

"I am not trying to question or challenge you, but I have the right to know and you should have informed me."

"Once again, I do not have to inform you of anything and if I were you, I'd stop questioning your Alpha's authority. Remember who put you in your position, because I can take it back as fast as I gave it to you. Are we clear?"

His eyes glow before he shuts them and takes in a deep breath. "No, Alpha. We aren't."

"Excuse me?"

"I said we aren't clear, Alpha. This will get out."

I shake my head. "It certainly will not unless someone leaks it. In which it won't."

"I cannot guarantee that."

I stand from my desk, fuming. "So help you Goddess, if you release this information I will see to it personally that you are executed."

"You seem very protective over this Princess. Certainly there is a deeper meaning to you releasing her. Maybe a certain bond?"

My eyes glow and I round my desk, looming over him. "Don't you dare go there."

He smirks. "I believe I have. I'm not scared of you, Alpha."

"Oh, you will be. This is all a game. You want to rile me up so when you go to the pack you have proof behind your claim."

My eyes glow when I grab the collar of his shirt. "Don't you say a fucking word."

"No promises."

I saw this as a threat and he was potentially hint at him leaking this information. He'd be responsible for an uprising. I did what any Alpha would do to protect his mate and pack.

"Levi," I yell.

Without a second to waste Levi is in my study. "Yes, Alpha?"

"Please take the general to the basement," I order.

He grins. "What shall I do with him?"

"Cut his tongue out. Make it look like an accident. Cut it out and take him back to his home, lay him at the bottom of the stairs to make it look like he bit it. Also, while your at it please cut off his communication from the pack."

The general's eyes widen. "No! Please!"

"I thought you weren't afraid of me? You threaten me and the peace in the pack. You must pay for your actions."

"Please I'll do anything, just don't cut my tongue out!"

I shake my head. "I'm not. It was an accident. You fell down the stairs and bit your tongue. Maybe break his hands too, so he can't write." I grin at Levi and continue, "don't stitch his tongue closed. Let him lay there so when his mate gets home it looks more genuine."

Levi nods and motions for the executioner to come. He doesn't only do executions, he executes punishments such as this.

"Oh and don't let the Princess see," I add.

"Please," he cries as he's being dragged out.

Levi stayed behind and shut the door once he is cleared out of the room. He frowns his brows and approaches my desk in which I returned to my chair.

"What was that all about," he asks.

"He was threatening the newfound calmness in the pack," I state.

"With what?"

"He was going to leak that I released the Princess from her cell. In which the pack could see as a potential threat and see me as an unqualified Alpha."

He nods. "I see, but may I ask what is going on between the Princess and yourself?"

"I was going to tell you eventually, but I guess now is the best time. It seems that the Princess Adrianna is my mate."

"You're joking, right?"



I shake my head. "Nope, it seems the Moon Goddess paired me with her daughter."

"So he was going to potentially release this information to the pack in which could threaten the future Luna?"

I nod. "I was only protecting my mate. If this got out the pack could become disorderly and potentially become a threat to her. More than they already are. As you know some members of this pack are very loyal to me and could feel betrayed. They'd see me as a traitor and inadequate Alpha. That I was a liar and can't be trusted. That the Princess is controlling me or something. That I'm sleeping with the enemy. We'd have riots on our hands and potentially be over thrown. I don't need that and I certainly don't need my mate in danger."

"I completely understand, so what are we going to do?"

"Show them she can be trusted. I am going to perform all our ceremonies in private and once the public trusts her, I'll do one for the pack."


"Until then, I need you to listen closely around the pack, I'll do the same and pass this information onto Gamma Victor. We need a new general and I want guards around my fortress twenty four seven."

"I'll get right on that."

"Oh and Levi, don't tell anyone why we are amping up security. It's a secret just between us, FYI."

"I'm aware, Alpha."

With that he leaves. I don't like scaring my second and third in command, but right now I can't trust anyone. I don't trust anyone with my mate's life. I only trust myself in protecting her. Obviously I can trust my second and third, but I am paranoid after the general threatening to go public. Although the general can no longer communicate at all I'm still a little on edge. Can I trust my beta and gamma or will they want to overthrow me and take my position. I doubt it, but one can never be too precarious.

The Goddess obviously made a mistake, but I feel like she is also testing me. Testing my trust of my closets friends and trusted high ranking officials. She is making me reconsider everything. I feel like she paired me with her daughter so I could see their true colors before it got to late.

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