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Moon Goddess

Princess Adrianna

Sneaking out the back way, I cast a spell to mask my scent so Levi can't detect me leaving. From there I keep the spell casted once I exit the fortress and shift into my wolf. I was running so fast that boarder patrol couldn't even question or catch up to me. Before me stands my mother's crippling temple. Snatching the robe on the hook by the door I kneel before her statue.

"Please Mom, let me come home," I mumble. "Please."

And like that my body is lifted off the ground and I become a simple orb of my light essence and float out. My Mother guiding me to the heavens before I break through a barrier and enter her realm.

Home, I was home, home in my mother's realm. In the Goddess's realm. The heavenly aura that this realm held was soothing and calming.

At the gates of the realm I am returned to my human body and dressed in my Goddess attire. It's a simple white flowing dress that has sleeves that come down to my elbows and flow out into a bell sleeve. My hair is simple in waves while two strands of braids are pulled to the back of my head and a platinum circlet is on my forehead. It has an intricate design with a moon on my forehead. A tear drop shaped diamond hangs from the center of it and rests just above the bridge of my nose.

"Mom," I cry out and take comfort in her open arms.

She rubs my hair and kisses the crown of my head. "Oh honey," she whispers softly.

"He- he," I stutter.

She takes my face into her hands. "Let's talk inside."

I nod and she wraps her arm around my shoulder, squishing me into her. At the opposite side of hall dad enters from his realm door. Melody trailing not too far behind him, she looked thrilled seeing me, hint the sarcasm. My heart pangs seeing my ex but I push it off when I see the two exchange a kiss.





He saw me watching with grin on his face, he approaches me. "Adrianna, how have you been, darling," Gabriel asks.

I roll my eyes. "Just wonderful," I tell in a sarcastic tone.

"I hear you are to be Moon Goddess soon."

Small talk.

"It seems you are about, gee, I don't know? Fifty years?" I look at my mom who nods confirming the years. "Fifty years late on that news. You were at my coronation, no?"

He huffs out a breath and crosses his arms.

"Now, if you do not mind I would like to get settled. I am only visiting for a few days and I already have a lot on my schedule for these few short days."

"Why are you here," I hear Melody ask.

I look over my shoulder at my twin. "And that is none of your concern."

Melody, my role model, my sister, my best friend, and now my enemy. She is dressed exactly opposite of me. Instead of a flowing white gown she has a stiff black dress on. A crown made of tall obsidian thorns sits on her head. The dress is strapless with a sweetheart neckline and around her neck and shoulders is covered in jewelry and chains. Attached to the neck piece is a black cape with a red velvet inside. Her makeup is dark and her hair is up in a tight bun with her poker straight bangs. Black bangles with encrusted rubies jingle on her wrist.

Gabriel is dressed in a formal general uniform with a bit of black and red to show his mating bond with Melody. Gabriel was handsome, hint word was. He was handsome to me at one point, but that is only on the outside, he is a pig on the inside. His soft hazel eyes and blond hair was so alluring to me when I was younger, but now I see that there is more to people than just their looks. Looks fool and boy did he fool me, not all beautiful people are beautiful on the inside. It is just a mask to lure you in so they can eat away at you.

I have noticed since I have last seen my sister her eyes and hair have grown to darker shades than last time. I am sure mine have too as we are both advancing in our skill and we are both on the right path now. Therefore our powers are being used as they should be and furthering us in our fates. Like the dark magic that surrounds her can now be seen unlike when we were mere pups. My light aura I am sure can be seen too.

"Now if you don't mind, I am meeting with my tutor in a few moments and I do not want to be late," I tell.

I was meeting with my cultural tutor, the one who had me learn about other packs and keep a journal about them. Not only to help me as Goddess understand them, but him as well. I had plans for him to my culture director when I become Goddess. Sadly that journal is long gone since Octavius burnt down the cabin. Luckily, I remember it and can just tell him the information off of the top of my head.

"How about we walk you to your class," Gabriel offers.

"No, I am fine. There is no need as my class is within the palace walls. I do not need nor do I want your company as I won't get lost."

Hurt flashes in his eyes, but he shakes it off. "Suit yourself. Melody and I just wanted to catch up and listen to your stories and learn about the other realms you've been exploring lately."

Sure they did.

I knew he just wanted to talk about himself or somehow make it about himself. I know them, they both wanted to hurt me some how, they have alternative motives behind this catching up. They want to get any information they can get out of me and use it against me. Melody will do anything to become Goddess again and Gabriel is her little minion, so he will do as she says.

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