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High Alert

Alpha Octavius

It has been said I'll lose half my power at the hands on the Moon Goddess's daughter, the heiress and Princess of the moon. It baffles me as she is the one who bestowed this power upon me. She literally gifted me with this power and position. I was hand chosen from a large number of dead Alpha males to have a second chance at life. I trained and went through extremely rough tests to be chosen as Alpha of Death, all for the Goddess to take it away? No not even the Goddess herself, but her daughter instead. I don't think so. I earned this position and she believed so too, so why is she looking to take away my power?

Good question. I am the most powerful Alpha in the dark half realm, but I'd argue I am the strongest. I believe I am much more powerful and stronger than that Alpha King. I have the same power the Goddess does, but I am the embodiment of Death itself. If I try to use said powers, it drains my energy and the only way to recharge is to kill. There is also having a healer heal me, but where is the fun in that? It also poisons my blood stream and the only way to heal it from taking of my system and killing or making me sick is to kill someone. To take away their life and breath in their life force. That is one option or I can have someone of divinity heal me, but I doubt the Goddess or her daughter will.

They are set on taking away my power and brining me down from my reign of terror.

Although my pack was worried, they were ready for a fight. I oversaw many new trainees who wanted to be a warrior and stand by my side for this war. I was proud of the pack I have created, they are my family after all. This is exactly what an Alpha strives for, a pack to come together in the name of saving their pack despite their differences.

Scouts went out not too soon after that. They obviously didn't have her scent, they were just looking for anything or anyone out of place and suspicious.

My Beta informed me that the Princess wasn't residing in a pack, therefore she had to be living on unclaimed territory that had a livable structure. We have many of those around my pack territory and on the boarder of the two realms. This is where I sent the scouts to scout out these locations to look for signs of life.

Luckily there isn't many of these so they should be reporting back to me soon on their findings.

"Alpha," a knock lands on my office door.

"Enter," I boom and my Beta enters. "Ah! Levi, how is everything?"

"The scouts left a little while ago. That is the only update on the mission I can provide you."


"I do not understand this whole situation."

"The prophecy," I state in a duh tone.

"I understand that part, sir." He sits down before continuing, "but as your Beta, I see this as an unnecessary use of our resources and if I may speak freely, a risk to our scouts. It is a waste of money and resources."

Intrigued, I rest my elbows on my desk. "Elaborate, please."

"She is the Moon Princess, she isn't residing in a pack which means she has no interest in attacking. She has no interest in making allies and friends, she didn't seek safety within a pack. Which means she has no interest in using their warriors. I mean she may not be any harm? Did you read the prophecy?"

"Only a million and one times over."

"But how did you interpret it? Many believe she isn't here for your power. Looking back upon every Moon Goddess their mates were also Death Alphas."

"I doubt that, the Princess is said to destroy me and bring an end to my evil."

Levi looks at me and give me a face that says "really?"

"All I am saying is we should reconsider attacking her with full force if she is found. She has no army accompanying her. She means no harm. If she wanted to attack she would've by now as she knows the location of this pack."

Sadly, he had a point. I hated when he was right and used common sense and logic.

"I will reconsider, but if she is found, mark my words I want her brought in alive and breathing."

He nods. "Can do."

I wanted to question her to get her true intentions out of her. Such information could give insight to why her mother had a sudden interesting in dethroning me. She is going against the very rules she made, going against her own decision as well. I can not be dethroned unless I chose to or if I have committed a serious crime against the realms, in which I haven't. I am simply going by my nature, survival of the fittest. Clearly the land and packs I have concurred their Alpha was no match against me.

Who says the Princess will be able to defeat me? I mean, yeah she has her mother's army, but can she command them? Are they a match against my pack? Who says she can command an army, she is just a Princess. Living in a lavish palace, gowns, and parties is probably all she knows. She most likely hasn't done a thing for herself ever, helpless and clueless. She probably can't even fight, therefore she is weak.

I laugh, I bet the Moon Goddess is so proud of her sheltered daughter. She is relying on her to save the werewolf population. An inexperienced Princess has the weight on her shoulders on saving her people. If she fails she'll be an embarrassment to her mother and title. The more I thought about her failure the more excited I got in defeating her in combat and watching her spiral downwards.

I'll win this war and prove not only am I superior and I can not and will not be dethroned, but that her daughter is an embarrassment to her title and people.

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