Omake!! Live For Yourself!

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"Good morning Y/N-san. What are you doing up and about so early in the morning?" The maid said with a quizzical look. Y/N's head perked up as he seemed to finally register where he was, with an embarrassed blush he turned to Grayfia.

"Oh, g-good morning Lucifage-San. I'm sorry, I'm an incredibly light sleeper and I sometimes wake up earlier than I should. But, uh..." he looked around at the chaos taking place around them, "What's going on here?"

Grayfia sighed in distaste as she looked over the chaos of the kitchen before her "We all had to wake up earlier to prepare breakfast for all of you, but the change threw everyone off so much that no one can get their bearings straight." She said, slightly disappointed in herself for not being able to control the situation.

Y/N's response was not one she was expecting, he ran over to the hooks that held all the aprons, put one on, washed his hands, and tied his hair into a small bun before jumping up onto one of the counters.

*WHISTLE* "Okay! Everyone listen up! Lucifuge-san has been trying to get your attention for a while now, but everyone is so flustered that no one is listening!" The entire staff looked up at the young red-haired boy as he continued talking, "Anyone who can't cook or isn't useful in the kitchen should get out now and start setting the table, we have a lot of food to make and I don't want anyone to have to redo it because their cooking skill is lackluster!" The people his warning pertained to all grabbed things to set the table and scurried away from the kitchen.

"Okay, now that we have all the chefs, I want a group of 5 making eggs, another group of five making country-style potatoes, and the final group of four frying bacon while me and Lucifage-san work on the French toast. AM I CLEAR!" He shouted with authority, having completely taken control of the situation.

"YES, CHEF!" All the maids and butlers responded. Immediately breaking off into groups and getting to work.

Grayfia's eyes widened in shock, she would've ended up doing that herself at some point, but she was so shocked that Y/N had taken control as if he'd done it before, "I'm impressed Y/N-san. Have you ever been in a professional kitchen before?" She asked as the two got to work on beating the eggs for the French toast.

Y/N chuckled as he started mixing the cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg, and vanilla onto the egg, "I work at a small diner run by my landlord. I've had to take control of that kitchen more times than I can remember hehe. This is on a bigger scale, but not much different. So, let's make a great breakfast Lucifuge-san!" He said with an excited smile as they dipped the texas-toast bread into the mixture.


"Huh?" Y/N looked over towards the maid who had an almost unnoticeable smile on her face, "W-What was that?" He stuttered out, trying to keep focus on his self-assigned task.

"Call me Grayfia Y/N-san. I use your first name so it's only fair." She said, turning to him and showing her pretty smile, causing Y/N to blush even further and almost dropped the soaked bread in his hand.

"O-Okay G-Grayfia-san," he said with a small smile as they kept working.


Breakfast had been an event, to say the least. Once Sirzechs had heard his precious Otouto had been the one to get breakfast on the table he dragged the poor boy into a hug that could make the gods fear for their safety, but other than that it was a joyous breakfast and everyone had a good time.

It was a little past noon now and everyone had branched off to either spend time relaxing or wander the Gremory territory. Rias' peerage would be heading back to the human realm after dinner.

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