Tony stands before us with a coffee in hand while I take a swig from my cola. Cap stands next to him as he speaks up.

A screen has on it before it disappears, "Time Heist, Brainstorming Session."

Tony says, "So, the "How" works. Now we've gotta figure out the "When" and the "Where." Almost everyone of us in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stones."

"Or, substituting the counter for, "Damn near getting killed," by one of the Infinity Stones," Tony feels the need to input.

"I haven't!" Scott says. "I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about!"

"Regardless," Bruce reminds us as he steps around the table, "we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each. And these stones have been in a lot of places throughout history."

"Our history," Tony inputs as Bruce stands behind him. "Not a lot of convenient spots to just "Drop in," okay? Yeah."

"I suppose we have to pick our targets," Clint states, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, causing Tony to point at him in agreement.


Cap says, "So, let's start with the aether. Thor, Aqua, what do you know?"

I was surprised I was addressed, so I ask, blinking my blue eyes, "Me?"

Cap nods his head. "You were with Thor when the aether first showed up seven years ago. We could use your perspective on this, as well."

I nod in agreement before we turn to Thor. He was lounging back in his seat, and with the dark shades on his face, it was difficult to tell if Thor was asleep or not.

"Is he asleep?" Asks Nat.

"Is he asleep?" Asks Nat

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"No, no. I'm pretty sure he's dead," Rhodey inputs.

I go over to Thor and say as I wave my hand in front of his face, "Heeelloooo? Earth to Thor!! Wake up!!"

I snap my fingers harshly, creating a loud snapping sound that startles Thor "awake."

"What?! I'm awake!" He exclaims, and I hear Tony snickering while Cap chuckles sheepishly.

"Good. Time to get to work," I say before I grab Thor by his ear and half drag him to the front of the room, ignoring his protests.

I stand on Thor's right as the screen shows the Reality Stone, the aether.

"Uhm, where to start?" Thor takes off his shades and taps them to the screen. "The aether is conversely not the stone. Someone called it a stone before." He points accusingly at Cap who narrows his blue eyes as he frowns in response. "It's more of an angry sludge sort of thing. So, someone's going to need to amend that and stop saying that."


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