"It's Sunday,"

"Exactly, it's Sunday," Danielle pointed out, rolling over to face her girlfriend.

"No," She shook her head. "Please tell me we aren't going to do what I think we are going to do,"

"They go every Sunday. I can tell them I won't go, but I don't think they will be very happy,"

The Italian let out a loud sigh as she rolled over the other way. "We don't have a good track record with churches,"

"I think we do," The blonde wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, tightening her grip around her waist.

"It wasn't very holy the last time," She laughed as the younger woman's hands grazed her body, slightly tickling her while thinking about the amazing orgasm she had in a church parking lot with her girlfriend.

"I think it was, there was a lot of screaming about God," The younger woman joked. "And it was in a good way too,"

"You are terrible," She laughed while trying to fall back asleep.

"That might be true, and I might need a little Jesus," She laughed, resting her head in the crook of her neck as the door widened with two kids and a dog jumping onto the bed resting in front and between the two women.

"Good morning," Danielle smiled, wrapping her other arm around Valentina while lifting her blankets for her to get under.

"Good morning," She giggled as she tickled her slightly.

"How did you two sleep?" Stefania smiled as Luca rested his head on her chest.

"Good," The two of them responded at the same time. "Grandpa took us out to feed the chickens and Grandma wanted us to tell you that breakfast is finished,"

Danielle turned her head to her girlfriend who just smiled. "How about you two head downstairs and get ready for breakfast and we will be down in a minute?" Danielle suggested.


"Grandma?" The blonde whispered to her Italian lover as the two kids ran out of the room.

"And Grandpa," Stefania added.



"I feel weird," Stefania laughed, dressed in her nice church clothes.

"Just wait until you see what my mother put your kids in," Danielle stopped herself. "It's definitely something,"


"I know," She responded as she collected her items before heading outside to the car.


"Mama," Luca whispered to her mother as he sat between her and his sister.

"What sweetie?" She asked during the service.

"I need to peepee," He rested his head against her arm.

"Uh- okay," She paused, tapping her girlfriend on the shoulder as she put the bible back in front of her. "Where is the bathroom?"

Danielle turned to her parents, whispering something before leading the mother and her son to the bathroom near the entrance. "Here," She spoke in a normal voice while holding the door open for the two people.

She followed the two in, waiting for Luca to finish using the bathroom before Stefania sent him back to his seat by himself.

"I realized why I don't like going to church," The Italian spoke, causing the American to laugh.

The Mistress|StefanielleWhere stories live. Discover now