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"This isn't how I planned for this to go," Danielle spoke up from the passenger seat of the Tesla.

"Ha!" The Italian laughed while helping her into the car. "Here I was thinking I would get to ride the whole way there. I was wrong," The brunette joked.

"I'm sorry," Danielle looked up at her girlfriend while she propped her feet on Jeff's pillow.

"Oh, be quiet!" The older woman stood up straight after getting the blonde into the car. "You should know I would rather drive than not go at all,"

"Wait, you actually want to go?" The younger woman tilted her head to the side while listening to herself speak.

"Of course, I do," The brunette paused before walking to the other side of the car, spotting Barrett in the distance. "I want to meet my secret girlfriend's parents," She leaned over the center console to gently kiss her lips before being interrupted by two kids and a dog getting into the backseat.

"How was the ice cream?" Danielle asked the two kids who had chocolate all over their faces.

"It was good," Barrett spoke up while handing Stefania her money back.

"Barrett, just keep it," The brunette smiled softly while taking a napkin from the curly-haired woman's hand.

She quickly wiped her kid's face clear before handing it back to her. "How are you, D?"

"Great," She smiled softly while resting her head against the seat.

"They gave her drugs but they said she would be fine," The Italian spoke quickly with her hand now resting on her girlfriend's thigh. "I don't know if Danielle told you or not, but we are still leaving for our trip,"

"Okay, is there anything you need me to do while you are gone?" Stefania shook her head before Danielle's best friend continued. "Okay, well, don't forget to send me photos!"


"Auntie Danielle?" Valentina spoke up from the backseat where she sat with her empty cone as she ate the rest of it.

"Yes?" She turned her head to the back, running her fingers along the top of the older woman's hand.

"Are you okay?" The little girl asked with a smile and chocolate still all over her face.

"Never better," She smiled before turning back around.

"Where are we going first?" Stefania asked her lover before she entered it into the GPS.

"Death Valley," The younger woman rested her head against the window as they drove down the road. "Turn here,"


"How the hell do you know where we are?" The Italian asked while pulling off onto an old dirt road, following a few other cars.

"Because I did a lot of research and I've been here before," The blonde turned her head while pointing where she was supposed to turn next. "Luca, Valentina, look at the burros!"

"It looks like a donkey," The young boy laughed as they got closer to the gift shop.

"That's because that's what it is," Danielle continued while they pulled into the parking lot. "You might want to take off your jacket, it's really hot this time of year," Danielle suggested as they parked. "Can you grab my crutches?"

"Mhm," Stefania mumbled while getting out of the electric vehicle with the heat rushing towards her face as she opened the door.

The brunette made her way to the other side of the car, helping the younger woman out before the four of them made their way to the gift shop, leaving Jeff in the car with the air conditioner on.

The Mistress|StefanielleWhere stories live. Discover now