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"What the hell did he do?" Danielle shouted. Stefania pulled her by the arm to the living room area, hoping they could have a peaceful conversation and not wake up the two kids.

"Danielle, calm down," The Italian ran her hands down her girlfriend's body while she clenched her fists.

"What did he do?" The brunette took the younger woman's hands into hers, releasing her hands from the fist she had made. 

"He was caught leaving a restaurant with another woman," Stefania tilted her head before sitting on the sofa.

"Oh," The blonde let out a large breath. "Is that it?"

"Yes, but now there are all these questions about our relationship and where I am and all this stupid stuff," The brunette rested Danielle's head in her lap, running her fingers through her hair.

"It will be fine, nobody knows we are on a trip other than Barrett. She won't tell anyone so we have nothing to worry about," Danielle turned over to look up at the older woman.

"Yeah, I know," Stefania leaned down, pressing her lips against her girlfriend's. "It's just that they will find out that we got divorced, then they will try and find out why and the media will probably assume that I cheated on him. Which is dumb and sexist but then they will find out about me and you. And you'll be brought into it and you don't deserve to be brought into my mess-"

"Stef!" Danielle sat up from her lap to calm the brunette. "Everything will be fine, stop freaking out," 

"No, yeah. You're right, I shouldn't be freaking out,"


"Come on, let's get in the car!" Danielle spoke, walking around the car without her crutches. 

"Are you sure you don't need them?" The Italian asked while handing her the suitcases. 

"Baby, I'm fine. My feet don't hurt anymore," Danielle leaned against the Italian after packing the car. "Just tell me what you want to eat before getting on the road,"

Stefania shook her head playfully, wrapping her arms around her waist. "Did you put the cream on your foot as the doctor said?" 

"Oh my gosh!" The younger woman nearly, dropping her head towards the sky. "Yes, I put the cream on my feet. I'm fine!"

"Okay, okay,"


"Are we almost there?" Luca sighed from the backseat while looking out the window at the endless desert.

"We will be there soon, Luca. Just a bit longer," Danielle looked over at her girlfriend as they entered the Las Vegas traffic. "Hopefully," She whispered. "Here,"

Danielle handed the younger boy her phone for her to play on while they waited. "This is why I don't visit Las Vegas," The brunette whispered with a smile while running the tips of her fingers down the blonde's thigh.

"Yeah, but once we get out of the traffic, it won't be so bad," The American spoke with a wide smile across her face. "I have a lot planned and I promise it will be worth it,"

"I'm holding you to that," She laughed softly, continuing her motions with her hands down the younger woman's jeans.

"I love you," The blonde spoke with a smile as she inched forward in the traffic. "I love you more than you know," She continued.

"Me too, bambina," She laughed softly, leaning across the white interior to kiss her girlfriend before drifting her vision back out the window, watching the traffic around them.

The Mistress|StefanielleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora