I look fucking hot.

I finish my makeup and my reach for the necklaces. The skin on my fingers turns cold as I grip gold and look at myself in the mirror.

My hands find their way to my neck to brush the hair to the side, but I still struggle to get it on.

"Need help, amore?" I jump at the sudden appearance of Michael leaning against the doorframe in the mirror. 

"Oh shit, is it already 7?" I groan, letting my head fall back.

He steps forward. "Not yet." A soft smile appears on his face.

Someone seems to be in a good mood today.

He takes the necklace from me and turns my body, facing the mirror before putting slowly putting it on. 

A few moments go by and I close my eyes at the feeling of his warm lips on my neck. Snaking my hand to the back of his neck, I melt into the feeling.

My body turns around with my forehead now touching his. "I love you."

He connects our lips and butterflies erupt in my stomach. I feel so safe with him. I feel at home with him. "I love you, Cora."

"Let's get the fuck out of here now." He tilts my chin up and I let out a quiet laugh.

We make our way to the car, hand in hand and he takes off into nowhere. 

I look out the window, examining my life and where I have been to be put in this exact place. Beside a man who treats me so beautifully. 

I smile to myself.

After about 30 minutes of driving, his voice snaps me out of my daze. "We're here, love."

The door to the car opens and I feel myself lightly stretch from all the sitting in the car. I look up to see miles and miles of trees.


"Michael, where are we?" I hug one of his arms. It's kinda chilly out.

"Just trust." He smiles, draping his jacket over me. 

Our feet step on the moist grass as he holds my hand, leading me into the dense forest. The quiet hum of the wind and our footsteps fill the atmosphere.

The setting sun casts golden hues on the trees and dirt ground and for a while, it feels as though I'm in a movie.

After a couple minutes of looking at the ground while walking to make sure I don't trip, I feel Michael stop.

I stop in my trance as well and look up. My eyes widen and mouth falls open as I take in the view in front of me.

A huge waterfall and crystal blue water lies in front. Rocks trail around it and animals play together. The golden sun casts a couple beams in the area, making it look as if it is straight out of a painting.

I get so lost in admiring the view, I don't notice Michael behind me. 

I turn around to see him bending down on one knee, opening a velvet box. The one beam of sun cuts through his eye and speaks the colours of young spring.

Tears fill my eyes and everything becomes blurry as I realise what's about to happen.

"Cora motherfucking Evans. I love you and I forever will. Even after I take my final breath." His lips are tight, and his voice, firm.

"Will you marry me?" A glint of hope sparks in his eyes

My head starts to feel light and I can't seem to speak. I let out a sob and nod my head aggressively and the smile on his face erupts so bright. 

You guessed it, the one with the dimples. 

I jump into his arms as he gets up and kiss him ever so passionately. Once, twice, three times, all over his face.


"Yes." I sigh, sniffling through my nose

His hand snakes around my waist and holds me tight after finally letting myself down.

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful." I gasp. It was exactly what I've wanted. Nothing to extraordinary.

It was an emerald, crystal ring which fit beautifully on my finger after he had put it on.

I look at it. I look at it deep. I get lost in the green just as his eyes. "I love you too, Michael." I prop up on my toes, grabbing his face, before kissing his lips. "I love you so much."

The rest of the evening, we spent sitting near the waterfall as the sun slowly set, revealing the glowing night sky. His head on my lap as I stroke his hair, carefully listening to the quiet buzz of nature.

"Do they know?" I smile, lightly tugging at his hair.

"Oh yeah, they know." He smiles, running his hand up and down my arm.

I know it must've been hard for Michael to tell them. All his life, he's suppressed his emotions and I wish I was there from the begging to tell him that everything in the end would be okay.


-Dhruvi Parmar

Friday November 5th, 2021 @11:23 pm

Stolen ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon