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It was now early winter in France. The mountains began to turn white at the top as the temperatures began to wind down. Winter was definitely here.

But aside from that, my relationship with Charles was going great so far. Except for the letters I received along with it. I had gotten over the Draco one, but there were still times that I couldn't believe what he had said. I had even planned on sending him a letter the next day to let him know. Other than his letter, I also hadn't responded to my father yet. I'm sure he was furious, but I don't give a damn. The fact that he had the nerve to write that letter still astounds me.

The best part about December is that this meant my birthday was here! Charles had been acting so weird for the past week. I couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten me.

But now I could finally find out since today was my birthday!

It was eight o'clock in the morning when Charles barged into my room to open gifts.

"Anastasia, my love, wake up." He whispered in my ear sweetly.

When I didn't budge, he sat in bed next to me and began rubbing my forehead.

"Sweetheart, wake up." He said once more.

"No, it's too early," I whispered as I placed my head on his chest.

"No! It is never too early to open presents!" He said playfully, ripping the duvet off me.

"It's cold!" I squealed as I screamed for the duvet.

Charles laughed and picked me up out of bed.

He placed me on my couch and then sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

The large pile of presents sat before us.

"Which one should I open first?" I groaned tiredly.

"I don't know." He said, getting up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" I whined.

"To get you breakfast, then I will come back." He said.

"All right," I said, petting Chloe who was still laying on my bed.

Once he left, I laid down on the bed, cuddling Chloe and examining the presents.

One, in particular, stood out to me. It was a beautiful pink-wrapped box. I knew then it must be one of Aunt Cecilia's gifts.

After a moment, Charles returned with two plates in hand.

"Here you are, Mademoiselle," He said playfully, handing me my plate.

"Thank you very much, Monsieur," I laughed.

He grinned.

I then began opening presents as I ate my breakfast.

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