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It was now Autumn at Beauxbatons. I had almost forgotten how beautiful the Pyrenees mountains were until now. Now that it was October, that meant that it was time for Quidditch tryouts. Quidditch at Beauxbatons was very similar to Quidditch at Hogwarts. But unlike Hogwarts, Beauxbatons didn't have houses. Instead, there were different quidditch teams. The teams consisted of Blue, White, Indigo, and Purple. I was on the blue team.

Anyways, right now it is ten o'clock in the morning. Tryouts are at eleven, so I decided to get to the pitch a little early. Unfortunately, when I arrived, there was already someone there. Charles Avery. I hadn't spoken to him since the very awkward walk a few days ago. I purposely tried to avoid him because it felt too awkward to talk to him alone like that knowing that he had a crush on me. I stood there for a few minutes, admiring him as he practiced. I could tell he had gotten even taller and more muscular since the previous quidditch season. I had always thought Charles was very handsome and sweet, but I preferred to be his friend.

Not his Girlfriend.

I was about to turn around to go back to the castle and avoid what would be a very awkward encounter, but unfortunately, he noticed my presence.

"Anastasia!" He called from the pitch.

"Charles, Hi!" I said, smiling as he walked over towards me.

"I never got the chance to ask you how your summer went the other day." He said as he looked down at me.

I didn't want to tell him what actually went on, so I decided to lie versus making this conversation any more awkward.

"Wonderful." I said, "How was yours?"

"It was good," He said.

"Traveled a lot."

"Cool!" I said. Trying to be as enthusiastic as I could.

"Where did you go?" I asked politely.

"Italy, Spain, and Australia." He said with a grin.

"Sounds lovely," I said with a smile.

He laughed as well. Then, we made eye contact for a few seconds. I hadn't noticed all over again how pretty his dark brown eyes were. They were so dark they were almost black. The contrast of his dark eyes and curly light brown hair was practically mesmerizing.

To my disappointment, our eye contact broke when many students came down the hill to the quidditch pitch for tryouts.

"Had to interrupt it, didn't they," Charles said with a sigh, turning back around to face me.

I didn't say anything. I just looked at him as he grinned and turned back around to greet the large group of boys who had come to tryouts. Charles and I were the only team members that were at tryouts since Edmund was in detention for who knows what. So I got stuck playing Co-Captain and being alone with Charles. 


Luckily, we only needed three new members for the team.

Two new beaters and a new keeper.

Charles insisted that he would take care of tryouts. But I insisted on helping. Charles got the boy's attention by yelling at them, which was not unusual. He was not very patient with idiots, which is exactly what these boys were. Once Charles had the boy's full attention, he began to speak.

"Alright, Welcome to Quidditch tryouts."

"Just so you all are aware, if you are looking to have fun and be coddled, this is certainly not the place for you. Now, if you are looking to win, and work your ass off, to do so, this is the place for you."

The group of boys all stood there, looking tough like they could handle the hell that was coming to them. It was very entertaining to read all of their arrogant expressions.

Soon after, the group of boys were flying around the pitch on their brooms. Charles was yelling at them and shaming them for their slow speed.


It was truly hilarious to watch!

After a while, Charles had gotten rid of at least two-thirds of the group. After they were done flying, we broke them up into groups to practice different things. I took the wannabe beaters, and Charles took the wannabe keepers. First, I had the beaters practice aiming when hitting the bludgers with their bats. Since I was not a beater, I was not very knowledgeable about this, but I tried my best. After a while, I narrowed the beater choices down to three choices, and Charles narrowed it down to two for the position of a keeper. Charles waved me over to him, signaling for me to come over to talk.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"They are all great. But one is the sixth year, and the is the fourth year." He said.

"We should go with the younger ones," I said, looking up at him.

"What about the beaters?" He asked.

"I like those two," I said, pointing at two burly boys.

"Sounds good, love." He said with a smile. Then, he flew away.

Love? LOVE?

Did that boy call me love?

My stomach was doing flips, but, I had to return to the beaters and tell them my decision.

Once Charles and I had told the boys our decisions, we began walking up to the castle for dinner.

I decided to confront him about what he said.

"So," I said.

"So," He replied.

Suddenly, I didn't know what to say. It just felt too awkward to bring it up.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Nothing," I said with a forced smile.

"You're lying, Anastasia." He said as he stopped walking to look me in the eyes.

We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever. 

Soon enough, he leaned in and kissed me.

Obviously, I kissed him back. It also wasn't just an ordinary kiss...it was long, gentle, and soft. I practically melted into it.

Once we pulled away, he wrapped his arms around me in a long warm hug.

We stood there for a while. Enjoying the comfort of being in one another arms.

I wasn't sure what to think. Did I really like Charles?

It was silly, but I still had a little crush on Draco that I couldn't forget.

But, Charles and I were perfect. Sure, he was older. But, us being in a relationship just made sense. Besides, he was here and Draco was not.

I continued to think until I made my decision.

Draco or Charles?


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