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The night of the Yule Ball had finally arrived. Anastasia and Katerina were very excited! Anastasia was dressed from head to toe in pink. She had her dress custom-made by one of her favorite designers in Paris. She also had a small wrap coat that was pink and made of luxurious fur. Katerina's dress was a beautiful light blue, with jewels around the neckline. The two girls were applying their makeup and doing their hair.

"Are you nervous?" Katerina asked.

"A little," Anastasia replied, "You?"

"Yeah, but I am super happy to be going with Marcus."

"And I am happy to be going with Draco." Anastasia smiled.

"Are you guys friends or..."

"We are just close friends, that's all." She said defensively. 

"You're lying."

"Am not!"

"Then why are you so defensive right now?" Katerina said, giggling.

"Just because I think he is handsome and charming does not mean I want to date him."

"Actually, Anastasia, that's exactly what it means..."

Anastasia burst out in laughter at her cousin's words.

"What?" Katerina said, confused.

"Nothing," Anastasia said as she applied her lip gloss.

"Are you ready?" Katerina asked.

"Yep," Anastasia said as she put on her gloves and draped her jacket over her arms elegantly.

The hallways were filled with students walking towards the Great Hall. The two girls slowly walked to the Great Hall to meet their dates.

Anastasia was a little nervous to walk down the stairs to the Great Hall; she was nervous about seeing Draco and hopefully not seeing Charles. Katerina noticed her nervousness, so she grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

Katrina distracted Anastasia from her thoughts by making her laugh at the stories of all the boys she rejected before Marcus asked her.

Anastasia let out a small giggle at her cousin and turned to the stairs.

Anastasia slowly descended the stairs to the Great Hall. Everyone stared in awe as the beautiful Anastasia descended the stairs.

"Wow, she looks beautiful..." One girl said.

"She's stunning." Another said.

"I wish she was my date!" A boy said.

However, Anastasia tuned out everyone else when her eyes landed on her handsome date who was now threatening his minions to leave him immediately.

Draco turned and stared at her, his jaw practically dropping.

"You look absolutely stunning." He said as she walked up to him.

"You look very handsome." She said grinning at his mesmerized expression.

She was pretty sure that her cheeks were going to be bright red the whole night, judging by how it was going so far.

Draco grinned as he held out his arm to lead her into the Great Hall. Once the two entered the hall, everyone began staring again. Many boys came up to Draco practically patting him on the pack and congratulating him for "snagging" me as his date. They soon made their way to their table' and passed a group of Gryffindors.

"Slytherin Prince and Slytherin Princess." A girl said snobbishly.

The rest of the evening, Draco and Anastasia danced. Anastasia was pretty sure that about every girl wanted to be her right now. Anastasia noticed that Draco did not leave her side all night. He seemed very protective over her.

Later in the evening, Anastasia saw her friend Viktor Krum from across the ballroom. He had gone with one of Harry Potter's friends. This made Anastasia angry, especially since the girl was muggle-born. Katerina was also angry; the whole night, all she could do was stare in disgust.

Draco and Anastasia talked, danced, and laughed the entire night until it was so late that almost everyone had gone back to their dorms.

They finally decided to leave at around midnight. Draco and Anastasia walked back to the Slytherin common room hand in hand. It was very late, and there was not a soul around.

"Good Night!" She said as she kissed Draco on the cheek softly.

"Good Night." He said as he kissed her gently just above her lips.

He smiled and turned to walk to his dorm leaving Anastasia there practically frozen in place. 



I could not sleep tonight.

I was overwhelmed by the thought of everything that had happened tonight.

Anastasia looked absolutely breathtaking. Her dress looked perfect on her, and she did her hair beautifully.

I practically couldn't breathe when I saw her descend those stairs.

I was beginning to debate my feelings for her. Did I really like her? Or did I think she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen?

I didn't know.

For the rest of that night, Anastasia descending the stairs replayed in my head over and over until my eyes grew heavy and I fell soundly asleep.


Hi! I just wanted to say that the Yule Ball (in this story) takes place before Anastasia's birthday. In the real storyline of Harry Potter, the ball takes place on Christmas. Thank you for reading!

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