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It felt good to be back at Beauxbatons. I didn't realize how much I had missed being in France until I came back. Although, it did not feel the same as when I had left. A lot had changed over the past year. I had changed over the past year. I matured from my thirteen-year-old self to my fourteen-year-old self; I made new friends and lost old ones. Also, who could forget that I was now living with my father?

Today was the first day of classes. I woke up that morning and got dressed and ready to head down to breakfast. However, just before breakfast, I stopped at the owlery to mail my letter to Draco. The letter contained the truth of everything that happened that summer and all I could hope was that he reacted well. 

At breakfast, I sat with Katerina and Juliette. We all went up to the buffet and began eating. Everyone seemed to be staring at us.

"Anyone else feel like we are under a spotlight?" Juliette asked staring down at her food.

"Aren't we always?" Katerina said as she applied her lip gloss.

"I recall it being more pleasent than this though," I added.

I looked around the room to see practically every table whispering and pointing at us. Of course, we had been the popular girls but now it just felt as though we were losers in a corner. We were more used to boys staring in awe and girls staring with jealousy.

As I surveyed the room, I locked eyes with none other than Charles Avery. His table of fellow popular boys seemed to be the only table that looked at us like normal. They weren't pointing and talking about us but rather grinning at us with approval. I brought my attention back to Charles who smiled at me and then quickly looked away. I smiled once he had looked away and watched as his friends all seemed to be patting him on the back and trying to encourage him to come over to our table. I rolled my eyes to myself and couldn't help but smile.

Sure, Charles was a couple of years older than me but that was nothing compared to some men well over thirty that had approached me before. He was definitely easy on the eyes as well. Also, I could safely assume that he fancied me after I saw him beat up those boys who had been rude to me and of course, his friends were all smiles whenever I walked by. 

I was quickly snapped out of my daydream when Katerina came over and shook my shoulder.

"Come on, it's time for class." She said with a devious smile as she winked at me.

We all began walking to potions class. Along the way, we listened to girls' conversations. Most of which were about some rumors that Harry Potter started. 

So that was the reason for all the staring...

"How did talk of Harry Potter go from Britain to France?" Juliette asked, astounded.

"Who cares about that filthy half-blood freak anyway?" Katerina asked distastefully.

Apparently, Potter and Dumbledore were trying to persuade the Ministry of Magic in London that the Dark Lord had returned. Of course, he wasn't wrong...The Dark Lord was back, but I am not the type to kiss and tell.

One may not notice from only talking to her once, but Katerina was very prejudiced. All of us were. The Emerys Family has always branded themselves as 'in between', but anyone close to them would know their real thoughts.

"Let's just get to class," I said, linking arms with both of my best friends.

Potions class went, as usual, boring. Monsieur Silvenshine was not quite a morning person.

Next was Magical Creatures. This was by far my least favorite class. The only creature I cared about was Chloe even though she was not magical.

That class went by quickly, and before I knew it, it was lunch.

For the entirety of lunch, I could feel the eyes of Charles and his friends burning into my forehead as I looked down at my food. The whole time Charles' friends kept trying to push him out of his seat to come over to me. Part of me wished he would but it might be awkward considering I was sitting next to his sister.

To my surprise, Juliette got up early from lunch and said she wanted to go to the library to get in some last-minute studying for her Herbology test.

Not a minute after she exited the hall did Charles Avery show up at my table. I had to practically strangle Katerina to stop her from laughing.

I looked up slowly once he arrived at my table. From the table a few down, his friends were cheering him on. 

"Anastasia," He said, sounding as if he was trying to play it cool.

"Charles," I said with a smile as I tried to stop myself from laughing.

"Would you take a walk with me?" He asked as he stared down at me with his big brown eyes.

I pursed my lips as I looked up at him.

"I'd love to," I said with a smile as I stood up from my chair.

He smiled and came around to guide me out of the hall. As we walked I could hear his friends clapping and cheering all the way from the back of the hall.

For the entirety of the walk, we talked just about quidditch. I couldn't blame him though, it's not like he had much time to prepare a conversation. Needless to say, it was awkward as he clearly was nervous and could not hide it. However, I couldn't get my stupid smile off my face the whole time. I felt as though I was desperate but the smile just wouldn't go away.

After around fifteen minutes or so it was time to go to class. We both went our separate ways and needless to say I had that stupid smile painted on my face the entire walk to class.

Once school was over, I went up to my dorm to begin my homework. I sat down at my desk and began pulling out all my homework. Since it was the first day of school, I did not have much to do.

Once I finished my work, I began putting my books away and cleaning my dorm, I was interrupted by a knocking at my window. It was an owl with a letter. I silently prayed it was from Draco as I opened my window. I grabbed the piece of parchment from the owl and pet its head before it flew back to the Beauxbatons Owlery. I closed my window and quickly sat on my bed and opened the letter.

My prayers were answered. The letter was from Draco.

Dear Anastasia,

I'm very sorry that you did not have an enjoyable summer. I really wish you had told me what was really going on with your father. I understand why you didn't want to tell me, but I am more worried about you now than I would have been if you had told me at the beginning of the summer. I hope you will have a much better school year than your summer. Would you please write to me as often as possible, so I don't worry about you so much? I miss you very much, and I hope to see you soon.

All my love,


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