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It was now late August, and it was time to go school shopping. Since Beauxbatons was in France, this meant that Anastasia could not buy her textbooks in Diagon Alley. She would have to buy them at Magie de la rue Principale. In English, this means Main Street Magic. Anastasia has been fluent in French since she was nine. She started taking lessons when she was seven and became fluent at age nine. Even though Stas is fluent in French, that does not mean that all her classes are taught in French. This is the case because not every Beauxbatons student speaks French.

The week prior, The Dark Lord agreed to accompany her with her school shopping. Her father had made a plan to dress up as her Uncle Reinhard. Stas's godfather had hardly ever taken her shopping unless it was for quidditch. Reinhard said that was more of a boy thing compared to dresses.

Anastasia was currently waiting for her father in the parlor. He was in his study. They were supposed to leave to go to Magie de la rue Principale at twelve-thirty. It was currently twelve thirty-five. Anastasia was a very impatient person, so she decided to yell that she was ready.

"I'm ready!" She yelled. Hoping her father would hear her.

"And so am I." A deep voice said from behind.

For a second, Anastasia almost thought her Godfather was there. It was quite impressive how her father used human transfiguration to look like Reinhard.

"I almost thought Uncle Reinhard was here," Anastasia said, grinning.

"I tried." He said with a small smirk.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." She said.

They walked to the nearest fireplace and used floo powder to get to the alley.

The alley was filled with crowds of people everywhere. Tons of people were there to get their school supplies. Anastasia and her father made their way to Les Livres de Bastien. This store sold all the books and textbooks that she would need. Anastasia made her way down the aisles looking for the things she needed. Once she had all the books she needed, she went up to the counter with her father and paid for the books. The next place they had to go was Lettres et papeterie, where Anastasia would get all the stationery things she needed.

Once Anastasia and her father were done shopping, they decided to stop at an ice cream parlor. Anastasia loved ice cream and was very happy that her father allowed her to go. When the pair walked into the small shop, everybody immediately looked uncomfortable. They all just stared at Anastasia and "Monsieur Lestrange". Anastasia then remembered that her father was dressed up as her terrifying godfather. Reinhard Lestrange definitely had a bone-chilling effect on people. Once she reached the counter, she ordered her favorite ice cream, Strawberry. Her father then paid, and they left the shop to go home.

"You know, I never met someone who likes Strawberry ice cream." He said, in an attempt, to engage Anastasia in a conversation.

"Really?" She questioned.

He nodded.

"That's weird," She said, "Because you know, it's the best ice cream flavor."

He laughed.

"Is it really now?"

"Definitely," Anastasia said confidently.

"I truly don't enjoy ice cream as it is too sweet." He said, sincerely.

Anastasia gasped sarcastically.

"That's absurd!"

The two continued to talk about random things for the remainder of the day. Anastasia was beginning to enjoy her father's company even though she couldn't see her cousins all summer or write to Draco. She had only written to Draco once at the beginning of summer, and everything she said was a lie. She said that she was going on vacation with her cousins overseas and that she could not write. She felt very guilty about lying, but she did not want him to worry about her. She hoped that she would have the courage to write to him once she got back to Beauxbatons.

A couple of days later, it was time for Anastasia to leave for school. That morning Anastasia made sure that she had everything packed for her and made sure to leave the house elves instructions for taking care of Chloe.

Once Anastasia was sure she had packed everything, she had the house elves take all her suitcases down to the foyer. Then after that, Anastasia went to the dining room for lunch. There, her father was sitting in his usual seat waiting for her. Anastasia walked over and sat at her usual seat, where a house-elf placed an immaculate-looking salad before her. She began to eat just before her father could begin talking.

"Are you excited to return to school?" He asked, observing her.

"Yes," She said, "I haven't seen Katerina or Edmund in months."

"I'm sorry," He said, "They can always come for Christmas break."

"Really?" She asked, not bothering to hide her shock.

"Of course."

"I'll talk about it with Katerina in the carriage." She said hiding a smile.

"Wonderful." He said with a small grin.

Tom truly didn't want anyone to come to the manor except for his death eaters. He especially despised the idea of seeing his brother-in-law. However, he needed to get Anastasia in his favor and if she wanted her cousins over, they would come over. The night in the graveyard was far off from what he expected. He had intended for the gifts to soften her up a bit before making his debut. He didn't particularly enjoy the challenge of trying to get her to like him. He had never had trouble making people like him and open up to him. He had even gone as far as to enter her mind to see if she disliked him as much as she seemed to. Alas, she was not very fond of him.

When the carriage finally arrived for Anastasia, the house elves put all of her bags inside it. When Anastasia was about to walk out of the manor, her father interrupted her.

"So this is it till Christmas." She said, standing her ground.

"Yes," He said, "I will try to write to you often."

Anastasia put up a smile as not to appear disdainful.

She didn't quite know what she was thinking about her next move. But, it felt awkward to leave without a hug.

So, she just walked up to him and gave him a small hug before leaving. Needless to say it was awkward. He stood there stiffer than a statue. It was like he had never been hugged before.

"See you at Christmas." She said with another small smile just before walking out the door.

Tom stood there planted on the spot. He didn't enjoy hugs or feelings. However, he still had to try to oppress a smile. 

That was the first hug he had received in thirteen years.

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