Wolfstar ~ Anything to help the other

Start from the beginning

"Re? Can I come in?" Sirius asked softly.

Remus didn't respond with words, but the way he let out a muffled sob let Sirius know that he should probably go and comfort the werewolf.

"I'm gonna come in now, love." Sirius warned gently.

He slowly pushed the bathroom door open, closing it behind him, and he almost let a tear slip at the sight. Remus was just sitting there helplessly in the middle of the small bathroom, sobbing into his hands, trying to muffle the sound. He always did this. He never wanted anyone to know when he was upset.

"Oh, Remus," Sirius sighed, deciding what he should do before his body moved itself without thinking.

The long haired boy quickly made his way to sit in front of his boyfriend on the floor. Slowly and gently, he reached up and held Remus' hands, pulling them away from his face, exposing the red puffy eyes, the runny nose, and tear soaked cheeks.

"I- I'm so- sorry," Remus whimpered, trying to breathe to stop the tears.

"Why are you sorry? There's nothing to be sorry about, darling," Sirius whispered back, using his thumbs to wipe the tears off Remus' freckled and scarred cheeks.

"I r-ruined your b-bed," Remus stuttered, ashamed of himself.

"That wasn't your fault, you can't control that, Remus. I'm not cross at you," Sirius explained, trying to make Remus feel better.

"D-doesn't matter. I should've- should've known." The werewolf said, angrily and sadly, saying it more to himself than Sirius.

"Well, maybe, but I for one don't think any of this is your fault. It's nature and all that just being a prick. So, are we going to sit here on the bathroom floor for the rest of the night? Or do you wanna get back in bed with me?" Sirius asked, trying to lift the mood and change the topic away from Remus' self loathing. He really was prepared to sit there all night with Remus, but he would obviously prefer going back to his warm bed.

"I- I'll get changed." Remus sniffled, grateful that Sirius wasn't making a big deal out of this.

"Alright, if you need any help, I'll just be in our room." Sirius said before standing up.

He held his hands out to the boy sitting on the floor. Hesitantly, Remus held onto Sirius' hands, and was instantly pulled up. It took him slightly by surprise, but once he registered that he was now standing, he held a hand to his stomach. Sirius took this as his cue to leave the bathroom and give Remus his privacy.

"I'll put some clean pyjamas outside the door." Sirius smiled kindly before leaving the bathroom, heading over to his own trunk.

A minute later, Remus peeped out of the bathroom door, looking down at the floor and seeing a pile of clothes. He picked them up and closed the door again. Looking through what he was given, he blushed, noticing that he was given one of Sirius' band shirts, and a pair of his briefs instead of his own clothes.

Remus had worn Sirius' clothes and briefs before, especially before he came out to his parents, and so he didn't have any male clothing. He had even worn James and Peter's clothes before, but only Sirius' underwear. They were dating after all. Luckily the house elfs would put the uniforms in the dorms and obviously Remus was given the boy's uniform. He had always known he was a boy, even before the stairs to the girls dorms didn't let him up in first year, but had only come out to the other Marauders in third year, and to his parents last year. Surprisingly, top surgery was pretty common at St. Mungo's, and so his parents arranged for him to get it just a few months ago during summer. He was over the moon about this and how accepting everyone has been, but still, he has to deal with some things like periods.

Remus quickly took off his shorts and underwear and jumped into the shower. He probably wouldn't have taken a shower if it wasn't for the fact that his thighs were all red and blood stained too. He hated to look at it, just the thought of it made him uncomfortable.

The cold water fell from the shower head and fell onto his hand that was held out to test the temperature. Only a few seconds later, it warmed up to the right temperature, and Remus stepped under the stream of fresh water, letting it run down his whole body.

Once he was done in the shower, he climbed out and quickly wrapped a warm towel around himself. After drying most of his body, he quickly sat back on the toilet so if any blood were to drip, it wouldn't go down his legs again. Remus then leaned forwards, desperately grasping for the cupboard under the sink where he keeps his sanitary products. He grabbed a tampon, knowing that it was probably early in the morning and by the time he went back to bed, would be waking up within 2-3 hours for breakfast.

Once he got that sorted out, he put on the clothes Sirius had put out for him, feeling comfortable and warm. He hung up the towel to dry and flushed the toilet, washing his hands for about the fifth time, just to be safe, and brushed his teeth again because he just had to.

With one final check in the mirror, he deemed himself blood free, and left the bathroom. He tried to be as quiet as possible in order to not wake up the rest of his friends. He was about to crawl into his bed when he heard a soft voice from across the room.

"Re? What are you doing?" Sirius asked in the dark, just managing to make out Remus' figure.

"Going to bed. Sorry for waking you up." Remus whispered back as if it were obvious.

"No but what are you doing over there?" Sirius asked again.

"I told you, I'm going to bed." Remus repeated himself.

"Not over there you aren't. I thought you were sleeping with me tonight?" Sirius said, sounding a little down.

"Yeah but that was before... that... happened." Remus shrugged.


"So, I thought you wouldn't want me back in your bed tonight." Remus mumbled.

"Of course I want you in my bed, c'mere," Sirius sighed, smiling sadly into the dark room meaning Remus couldn't see him.

Hesitantly, Remus got off his own bed and walked across the room to Sirius' bed. He almost didn't want to look at the spot he had been previously occupying, but when Sirius pulled the covers back, he noticed the red stains were all gone.

"I scourgified the sheets as much as I could, but I'm not that good at that spell yet, and so I just changed the sheets for now." Sirius smiled sheepishly at the fact that he couldn't master a spell yet, something he wasn't used to. He was top of the class in charms.

Remus just smiled softly at his boyfriend before crawling under the soft covers. The two laid on their sides, facing each other, just enjoying the silence for a few minutes before Remus spoke.

"Thank you," Remus whispered, smiling softly.

"You don't have to thank me, Remus," Sirius whispered back, their faces mere centimeters apart.

"But still, thank you," Remus repeated himself.

Sirius and Remus looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before one of them moved forwards. They didn't know who moved first, but suddenly, their lips were connected in a soft, gentle, loving kiss. Remus felt so lucky he had a boyfriend like Sirius, and Sirius felt so lucky he had a boyfriend like Remus. Even if they pissed each other off sometimes, and acted like squabbling friends, they still loved each other, and would do anything to help the other. No matter the circumstance. It was always just the two of them looking out for each other. Sirius and Remus. Padfoot and Moony. Werewolf and Star. Lupin and Black. Lover and Lover. 

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