I'm Pretty Sure I'm Most Honest Version Of Me With You

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Summary: Merlin and Arthur are finally getting married. Only, Arthur can't seem to get to sleep the night before the wedding. Luckily, no matter how tired, he has Merlin to ease his nerves.


"I think you're the only one who really knows me," Arthur whispered into the silence of the night, snuggled closely to Merlin in the large bed. Merlin stayed quiet for a moment, before letting out a sigh and pressing himself closer into Arthur's arms as they laid on their sides facing each other.

"I don't know what it is about you that makes me want to be so open and honest," he continued, holding Merlin close. "It's almost unbelievable how you've been able to walk into my life and just... Take it over. Yet, you did, and I—"

"Arthur," Merlin groaned, his voice muffled by Arthur's chest. Arthur stopped talking, and glanced around at where Merlin had scooted down to press his face into his chest.

He hesitated. "...Yes?"

"Vows are meant to be spoken at the altar," he mumbled, audibly tired, "Not in bed the night before the wedding when your betrothed is trying to sleep."

There was a moment of silence, before Arthur huffed softly. “They aren’t my vows,” he muttered.

“Either way,” Merlin sighed, pulling away just enough to glance up to his face with half-open eyes. “Sleep.”

Arthur bit his lip gently, nodding. Merlin seemed satisfied by this, and buried his face in the king’s chest once more. Arthur waited a few moments, letting the deafening quiet over take the room once more as he held Merlin in his arms. Then, before he could even think to stop himself, he was speaking again.

“I just—we’re getting married tomorrow, like… Bound forever, Pendragon and Pendragon, rings and a crowd, and cheering—married,” he explained, as if Merlin hadn’t already known.

“Okay, so, the word sleep is no longer in your kingly vocabulary, then?” Merlin asked as he pulled away to sit up, next to Arthur. He looked tired, but wide awake now.

Arthur almost felt bad, but then the reminder that they married in the morning replayed in his head again, his stomach churned, and all guilt was gone. Replaced with the dull feeling of anxiety.

Merlin must have noticed the shift, because he let out a soft sigh and pulled Arthur into an upright position. Arthur let a small startled noise at the sudden movement, but let himself be pulled.

“Alright, out with it,” Merlin ordered, facing him as he sat cross legged on the bed. “I’m not getting back to sleep at this point anyway, so, what’s going on?”

Arthur let out a sigh and crossed his legs as he turned to face Merlin, mirroring him. “Merlin,” he began, before shaking his head and looking away.

Merlin stayed quiet. Arthur appreciated his patience, his understanding despite the late hour. It took him a few moments to gather his thoughts. To find a way to coherently explain his nerves. Even when he thought he finally had found the words, all the came out was a breathless,

“We’re getting married tomorrow.”

Merlin stared at him for a moment, before understanding dawned on his face and he let out a sigh. Arthur hoped he understood, because he really didn’t know how to explain. He wasn’t nervous to marry Merlin—he was excited! Thrilled!

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