It's About Time

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Summary: The whole of Camelot is sweltering under a heat wave and busy with visiting nobles. Arthur rides out for a break once they all leave, he finds his manservant napping and decides to treat him to some much needed time off.


Arthur was sure he was seeing things. Rubbing his tired eyes for good measure he looked again. Sure enough, a pair of boots was standing empty in a patch of grass next to a tree.  Never one to leave anything alone Arthur urged his horse further into the vegetation to investigate. That’s when he spied a body on the forest floor.

A familiar one.

The exhaustion Arthur had been feeling left his limbs in an instant as he practically threw himself from his horse. Rushing forward Arthur knelt down and tried to see what was wrong. “Merlin, are you hurt?” The man in question didn’t look injured, but he was sprawled under a large tree barefoot, his feet submerged in a small creek.  Trying again he attempted to rouse Merlin. Reaching forward he shook the warlock’s shoulders. “Merlin! Come on please wake up.” They were so close to Camelot, bandits didn’t dare come this near. That thought did little to comfort Arthur as he waited for a response.  

After a moment Merlin stirred at this and groaned softly. “Gaius, not nooow ,” he mumbled.

His manservant’s response calmed him somewhat. Perhaps Merlin had literally been napping. Given the week they’d all had he couldn’t blame the man. Seven days straight of visiting nobleman combined with excessive summer heat had worn them all out. Merlin included. Taking stock of the situation Arthur noted that Merlin’s tunic was pulled up slightly revealing a section of his pale stomach.

Rolling his eyes at his own foolishness Arthur finally understood. Merlin was trying to cool himself off. The streams cool water had to feel good along with a breeze over his exposed skin. Plopping down in the grass Arthur nudged Merlin with his boot. “I’m not Gaius.”

A few seconds passed before Merlin furrowed his brow. Tired blue eyes opened a moment later and looked around. “Wha’r you doing here?” he slurred.

“I was attempting to escape the stifling heat of the castle since our guests have all left.  You can imagine my shock at finding a body in the woods instead.”

“Huh, where?” Merlin blurted as he sat up quickly. “I didn’t see anybody when I arrived earlier. I swear I’ve only been out here for an hour tops.”

Sighing Arthur shook his head. “I was referring to you Merlin. I saw your body and thought you were hurt.”



“Why would I be hurt?” Merlin interjected with a puzzled look.

Arthur blinked slowly, given the amount of adventures they had together that shouldn’t have seemed like an odd excuse. “Must I remind you of what you constantly tell me? Something about shared destinies and having to protect me. You have an uncanny ability to get hurt more than the average person.”

Merlin shook his head and yawned widely. “I do not, you attract too much trouble, and therefore I get hurt.”

Barking out a laugh Arthur shoved Merlin for good measure. “It’s gotten better though right?”

Merthur One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now