"This Isn't Going To Work!"

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Summary: Leon is running out of patience looking at Arthur and Merlin pine for each other. So the knights decided to take matters into their own hands.


Leon couldn’t keep up the charade any longer. Every time he was witness to it, he could feel just another part of his soul wither and fade away. He had to mentally restrain himself from rolling his eyes. Sometimes he wished he could do something about it, but he was too bound. He was certain he didn’t deserve this. There was no reason he had to be subject to this. But here he was, helpless at the scene unfolding before him. He was selfless, he was brave, and he didn’t get nearly paid enough to deal with this. He was quickly running out of patience.

The council was in the middle of a very interesting report on taxes from the outlying villages and King Arthur was halfway through eye-fucking Merlin who stood across the room. Sweet, innocent Merlin, who also did not deserve Arthur’s perverted advances, even if he was completely oblivious to it.

Yeah, Leon thought. He was pretty much out of patience. He needed to act before he accidentally killed himself, or worse, killed Arthur.


It didn’t help that Arthur took out his… energy by absolutely demolishing the knights during every training session. Leon was certain that if they could simply divert his drive towards certain other means, they would possibly not have to go limping to Gaius for pain medicine later. He was also fairly confident that the others would support his view.

His thoughts were confirmed that evening when the knights met for drinks at the Sun.

“Out of everyone, Leon, you would’ve been the last person I expected to come up with this,” Gwaine said, wiping the froth from the ale off his mustache. Leon shrugged, taking a sip from his own glass. Lancelot shot him an understanding smile. “I know how you feel.”

“So what’s the plan then?” Lancelot asked, leaning forward.

Leon frowned. “I hadn’t thought that far yet. But I think step one should be confirming their feelings, yes?” They nodded in agreement, but he knew it was easier said than done. The two of them would never admit their true feelings for each other so easily. Unless…

“Lancelot, you’re Merlin’s best friend, right?”

Gwaine’s head shot up. “Oi! I’m the best friend.”

Percy patted his arm in sympathy and sniggered, “Gwaine, I think we can agree that Lancelot knows Merlin better than any of us.”

Gwaine refused to let the matter be and leaned into Percy’s touch. Leon felt a pain in his temple. This would have to be addressed later. After they had dealt with Arthur and Merlin. Gwaine pouted, “But I’m his best friend.”

“We can both be the best friends, okay?” Lancelot said, smiling at him. Gwaine seemed to ponder it over and Elyan spoke up, “What are you getting at, Leon?”

Leon rested his elbows on the table. “We can have Lancelot melt away Merlin’s defenses, yes Gwaine, Lancelot, now sit down, while I can try to get Arthur to talk. That way we can find out the truth, yes?”

Satisfied with this step, the others nodded, and settled back into drinking their liquor in peace. Everyone except Gwaine, who still seemed to be hung up on the fact that Lancelot was Merlin’s best friend.

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