Everybody Knows

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Summary: A news article featuring a picture of Merlin sheds some light on the nature of his feelings towards the crowned Prince Arthur.

"Prince Arthur has been very quiet about his love life, always refusing to speak on the subject which leads us to believe that maybe the Prince and Servant are more than meets the eye. "

Modern day AU


Merlin looked at the picture on the front page and cursed everything that was good in the world. Usually, he was so careful around the camera's that followed Prince Arthur everywhere because being his manservant meant that Merlin was thrust into the spotlight as well. Prince Arthur, heir to the Pendragon throne, was popular in the media. Everytime he went out, whether it be for a royal duty or simply for pleasure, reporters and cameras were always hot on their heels. Whenever Arthur's picture graced the pages of a newspaper or magazine, people went out of their way to get a copy and Merlin certainly understood why.

Arthur was a rich, handsome and powerful man, it came as no surprise that people wanted to read all about him.

And as his right hand man, servant and best friend, Merlin was always there alongside him. Usually, Merlin was able to disappear into the background of photos, hidden away and unnoticeable. But this morning's paper was quite the opposite. Merlin was the main focus of the image and the headline, all about him.

Merlin's eyes widened in fear as he read the paper and scanned the article. Fuck, no. He thought, Merlin couldn't deliver this paper to Arthur, he couldn't see this. So Merlin threw that paper, and all the others in the house away. No one would be reading the paper today. But of course, in the age of social media, Merlin was sure the story would be out there somewhere else. So just before breakfast, whilst Arthur still softly snored in his bed, Merlin snuck into his chambers and dug out the Prince's phone. He shoved it in his pocket as Arthur stirred awake and turned awkwardly on the spot.

"Merlin?" Arthur's voice was groggy with sleep.
"Good morning, Sire. I was just uh... Checking... Checking if you needed anything before breakfast."

Arthur rubbed his eyes and sat up on his elbows. He gave Merlin a curious look and watched his face intently. Merlin had always been a loyal servant to him and Arthur valued his opinion and help in every matter. But there was something about him this morning which made Arthur suspicious.

"No, thank you. Just hand me my phone."
Merlin froze. "It's charging. I forgot to put it on last night, many apologies."
Arthur groaned and flopped back on the bed. "Fine. Go and get my breakfast."

Merlin nodded and left the room as quick as his feet would carry him without running. Once he had shut Arthur's door behind him he let out a sigh. This was all too much, too risky and yet, the reality of Arthur seeing the news, even just the photo, would be much worse. Merlin raced to do his duties, ordering breakfast for the Prince and organising his day before he sat down to take a fateful look at social media.
And yep, just as Merlin had guessed, the photo from the front page was everywhere. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, hell even random blogs that Merlin had never heard were discussing it. It wouldn't be long before Arthur inevitably found out and so Merlin made a choice, a choice that was going to change everything. But what else could he do?
With breakfast finished and Arthur showered and dressed, Merlin stood in the middle of the Prince's chambers with a sheepish look on his face. Arthur's phone in one hand and a letter of resignation in the other. Because what other outcome could there be of this conversation? Merlin cleared his throat which gained Arthur's attention and he summoned all the courage inside himself to begin the conversation.

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