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Summary: Ever since Merlin joined Arthur's service as his servant, Merlin has had vivid dreams of obscene nature and wakes up with bites on his neck.


The Pendragon Manor was a large castle-like mansion made of white-washed stone. It was very beautiful, with a blue-ish gray roof, a tower of some sort. However, it was also haunting. The garden was unkept and dry, giving it that sort of wild and abandoned look. Also, the inside was almost all dark except for the dimly lit candles scattered all over the house. Other than that, the heavy curtains were draped over tall crystal windows.

Merlin's first day was horrible. Not only did Merlin get lost in the big mansion but he met his master (well, he wasn't his master at first but would become his personal servant rather quickly) who was not a very pleasant person. For one, Arthur Pendragon was a blutsauger, as the German called them or better known to the English as a vampire. A shame, really. Arthur had to be the most beautiful man he's ever seen. He had a tall muscled frame, golden hair, pale skin so unblemished it glowed, blue eyes so light they seemed white, and a noble nose. However, the man was a bit dicked in the nob. Really, he was. He had actually come from behind up to sniff him.

Merlin had finally managed to make it up three flights of stairs. By the time he was up, he was fagged to death—panting and sweating all over the place. His legs trembled as he made his way down the dark hall. It was eerily silent and the darkness didn't really make it any less chilling. Nor did the candles and giant portraits of scowling Pendragons. Lady Annabella Pendragon's harsh eyes seemed to follow him as he walked forward. Not only was Merlin worried that some sort of beastie would pop up and drag him into a dark corner to do God-knows-what to him, but he was also probably late. What a bad impression he'd make. The Pendragons would probably think he didn't give not a tinker's damn and would be kicked to the curb. The butler and occasional doctor, Gauis, had given him a vial of some sort of medicine about an hour ago. He had said it was urgent and that Arthur needed it. He hoped it wasn't life saving or else Arthur was probably pushing up daisies by now.

Merlin had to check numerous doors to see if it was Arthur's. The first three were locked and the next four were either too dark to see or empty. Merlin shivered. He really wasn't liking this so far. Part of him just wanted to run away back downstairs but the other part of him thought: “If I go down those stairs I'll probably have a nasty fall.”

There was only one door left. And it was at the end of the hall. As he walked down the hall, the temperature seemed to have dropped significantly. The door at the end was made from dark wood, almost black. It had an iron handle that was cold to the touch. Merlin shivered from the chilliness. He swung it open slowly and the door he had found out to be heavy. He entered and gave a full-on shudder. If the hall was cold, then the room in which he was in was freezing. Merlin wrapped his arms around his thin frame and began to tremble. Merlin looked around. The room was completely dark. No candles. No light whatsoever. So it took Merlin a while to realize that there was someone else with him. He didn't know that until he felt something cold press against on his cheek followed by someone inhaling. Merlin gave a most undignified scream but a large hand was slapped over his mouth and a brawny arm was wrapped around his waist. Merlin tried to fight off the weight behind him but the figure barely budged.

Merlin stood frozen stiff (and it wasn't because of the temperature in the room) as the man (he believed it was a man because the hand on his stomach was large) sniffed deeply into his neck, the space behind his ear, and the space where his neck and shoulders met. As if that wasn't odd enough, the man had unbuttoned Merlin's collar, untied his necktie, and lowered his shirt so he could sniff that last part. Merlin swore he felt the man's tongue against his skin but for the sake of his sanity he denied it. Merlin trembled for another reason besides being terrified and scared—the little puffs of breath on his skin that tickled him and made him break into goosebumps.

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