Light My Candle

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Summary: Merlin didn’t think he could go through with this.

It was insane. Foolish. Ridiculous.

Why didn’t Gaius talk him out of it? Why didn’t Guinevere? Or Lancelot? Why not Gwaine?


Merlin didn’t think he could go through with this.

It was insane. Foolish. Ridiculous.

Why didn’t Gaius talk him out of it? Why didn’t Guinevere? Or Lancelot? Why not Gwaine?

"I can't do this," Merlin said aloud as he paced the small confines of Gauis' workspace.

The elderly physician sighed, not for the first time, as he watched the sorcerer take another lap. A knock on their door stopped Gauis from responding but it didn't stop Merlin's feet.

"Enter," Gaius permitted.

Gwen and Morgana entered the room, both adorning beautiful gowns. The lavender stood out against Gwen's dark complexion while Morgana's own sapphire silk brought out her milky one. They were probably going to kill Merlin for making them waste those.

"He's not dressed," Morgana observed flatly with a frown.

Gwen sighed in the same way Gaius had moments before and looked to the older man. "He's panicking again, isn't he?"

"Since late in the night," Gaius confirmed tiredly.

"I'm right here," Merlin said, indignant. He was met with three expressionless faces. "You all might as well go and declare to everyone that there will be no ceremony. Perhaps I can get Mordred to do the honors of killing me before Arthur gets the chance."

"You will ask him no such thing," Morgana returned fiercely. "That boy adores the 'great and powerful' Emrys and we know all too well that he would actually give that to you in order to please you."

"I don't see where the problem with that is," Merlin muttered before quickly looking away at the sight of the High Priestess' glare. She'd gotten quite good at that.

Gwen walked past all of them to Merlin's quarters. She came back but a moment later holding the red garment that he should have already been in. "If we're going to have this discussion again then we're doing it while you get changed." 

"But I'm not doing this so there is no point in getting dressed," Merlin argued.

"Humor me," she replied .

“Are you sure I can’t ask Mordred--”

“No,” Morgana said flatly.

“What good are friends when they don’t help you die?” Merlin muttered under his breath as he reluctantly trudged to his quarters. He dropped the clothes onto his bed to tug off his tunic. He tossed it aside, letting it collect on the floor along with the rest of his laundry.

“So why can’t you marry Arthur now?” Gwen asked from the other room.

“You know why.”

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